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CyberD Ecards

For whatever you've ever done, forever

What? We're opening an E-cards page? Well I guess we are then. It's not done yet, so stay cool. Comments/Feedback - Appreciated.


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  1. Cyberdevil
    Sunday Nov/5/2006

    Comments? Feedback? <b>APPRECIATED!</b>

    I would be happy if at least 0.1% of the daily 500 unique visitors post a comment, lmao . . .

  2. Joe
    Monday Nov/6/2006

    I guess I don't count as a unique visitor?

  3. Cyberdevil
    Monday Nov/6/2006

    Nah, you post comments, lmao. Guess that does make you unique though.

  4. Joe
    Thursday Nov/9/2006

    Yeah, but I'm not a "new" visitor... I'm a reoccurring visitor.

  5. Cyberdevil
    Friday Nov/10/2006


  6. Barses
    Friday Nov/10/2006

    Hey pal! You are the greatest of all! <3

  7. Cyberdevil
    Friday Nov/10/2006

    Thanks man.

  8. Barses
    Friday Nov/10/2006

    Np Barses

  9. Barses
    Saturday Nov/11/2006


  10. Barses
    Saturday Nov/11/2006


  11. Cyberdevil
    Saturday Nov/11/2006


  12. Joe
    Sunday Nov/12/2006

    See you have visitors...

  13. Cyberdevil
    Wednesday Nov/22/2006

    I see.

  14. Joe
    Wednesday Nov/22/2006

    You may want to have your comment form have Name, Site. Instead of Name and Email, because then spammers can get the emails. Or maybe just not display the email.

  15. Cyberdevil
    Wednesday Nov/22/2006

    Well, the emails are displayed so that people ( not bots ) can contact each other. You can enter a URL instead of email though, so you know.

The Comment Form

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Your email is saved only to approve your future comments automatically (assuming you really are a human). ;) It's not visible or shared with anyone. You can read about how we handle your info here.

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