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Deadpool & Wolverine (2024)

Deadpool & Wolverine (2024)

I watched this one at the movies - on the big screen. Started writing a review shortly after. Surmised it initially with something such as grand as 'a symphony of violence and witticism' - with an impressively high-budget character roster and production overall, yet an unnecessary head-shake event towards the end, and a bit much dialog... even if you do still like it. Even if that is his trademark, and one of those things that keeps the situations interesting throughout, all the while still getting on your nerves somewhat.

So I'm not sure the dialog adds or detracts from it... it adds, of course, but maybe it would've been even more appreciative if they added other elements around it; kept it a more occasional spice than a constant. Even if I'm continually both impressed and surprised by where they somehow manage to lead the safest seeming conversations.

The Deadpool army's a similarly both unnecessarily cliche and awesomely awesome moment. Because it's great, but because the sexy girl in the lead is exactly who you'd expect to see there, and the kid, and the samurai, and it's somehow very predictable even when it's nouveau...

There are few moments in the film that really hit me; there are many moments like that. That are just so overly well-made and thought out, but lack... that extra something. That extra something maybe being the thing you really get via Wolverine, with for example his most intensely emotional 'fuck you' speech in the car, that leaves the rest of the movie feeling somewhat fad and unnecessary. They do everything so well but it's just... it has no class? Deadpool's Deadpool? They can't die, and so there's no real sense of desperation and loss? What is it?

I'm not sure exactly what I'm missing here, but I remember feeling the same way about the first two movies as I did with this. Like this. It's amazing and all but... they just don't have that special something. That realness. That rawness. That element that make some movies seem like a real masterclass in motion. That spoke.

It just might be the way Deadpool turns the whole movie into one big joke.

So good to see Blade here too. And that end! Powerful.

 rated 4.5/5: almost awesome


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