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Doom Is Doomed

I am tired yet restless, and utterly unmotivated. Also slow an unneffective. Only today. Though I should be spending all possible time preparing for a presentation tomorrow and finishing another big assignment, I instead chose to dust of my GBA and play Doom. Sped through the games 3 episodes in a mere 48 minutes. I know my way through all the levels. I know all the secrets, I know which corners the monsters are lurking behind and how many hits it will take with each weapon to kill each enemy. After all the years of wad collecting and extensive playing I've grown tired of the game, Doom is doomed. I've played it enough. Now, moving on to the next part of the series! Doom 2. A game which I have played at least a few hundred times less than it's predator. And if my computer could handle it, Doom 3 as well, but not now, I have stuff to do before days the stuff has to be done. Days that are approaching by the minutes that pass writing this. Summer, is bliss.


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  1. S3C
    Sunday Jan/26/2020

    how'd the presentation go?

  2. Cyber
    Wednesday Jan/29/2020

    Hmm I wonder! Probably not so well. My motivation in regard to higher education was at an all-time low around this time. Before graduation, all the falters and fadings.

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