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Early Resolutions Aftermath 2012

So the year is well underway. How's my resolve? I'm asking myself, so I dug up the list of resolutions I posted just at the start of this year and checked out my current status. Here we go.

  • I will not watch anything (movies, series, anime, videoclips, etc) until all unfinished business is finished. NOPE
  • Oh yeah right, like I could keep away from all forms of media for a whole year, cause that's what it's going to take me to get everything done. Life has it's ups and downs, but generally I'm working as fast as I can. It's going to take a while.

  • I will take at least one 30 minute walk every single day of the new year. ALMOST
  • I actually missed one day, a Saturday. Felt a bit down, didn't take a walk. I should have.

  • I will improve my vision continuously by exercising, taking breaks, etc. NOPE
  • Yupp. I mean nope. Not really. Still sitting way too long without taking a break. I took a break between typing this, but still, I take way too few breaks.

  • I will improve physically by exercising frequently, etc. ALMOST
  • It's a yearlong goal (I cut out the part about the main thing being being in good shape at the end of the year) so there's no way to tell yet. I do exercise frequently, at least 3 times a week, and I take at least one long walk everyday. The thing missing is them monthly exercise plans, and I have skipped some days I shouldn't have skipped. Getting better though.

  • I will eat healthier. YEPP
  • No need to elaborate here. :)

  • I will brush my teeth at least twice every day. ALMOST
  • It's hard to break bad habits, but I'm getting there. Occasionally I brush thrice. :P

  • I will write a blog every day. ALMOST
  • If you count blogs per day on average, I guess it's about double, but I have skipped a bunch of days. This was a bit of an unnecessary resolution anyway...

  • I will write a diary entry every day. ALMOST
  • I keep falling behind when I get addicted to Pokemon and stuff; go back and fill in the pages one or two days after. Need to focus.

  • I will write at least one poem, lyric, etc. YEPP
  • If you count the 750 word post I've written everyday since early January, I guess I've made it. :) Not too good with poems and lyrics and stuff though, time is a lacking.

  • I will not waste time. YEPP
  • No need to elaborate here either. :) Though I suppose wasting time is defined by your priorities. I could probably be more efficient, but it's not like I've spent time doing useless things so far.

  • I will contact at least one artist and offer my lyrical services a specific day every week. NOPE
  • Oh yeah, I remember now. Bummer. Completely forgot about this sometime after the start of the year. I doubt I'll be trying to catch up either, time is like said a lacking subject.

  • Every day I will do at least 10 situps, 10 pushups, 10 squats. NOPE
  • More like every third day so far. I'll get better.

  • I will stretch at least twice every day. NOPE
  • Though I do stretch after every workout, but that's nowhere near enough...

  • I will become self-sufficient. NOPE
  • Hey, not yet. :)

  • If I feel unmotivated or tired, I will do something useful. YEPP
  • Big smile. :)

  • I will practice vocals everyday. NOPE
  • I mean, I do speak, by vocal practice I mean singing/etc. Why did I even put this in my resolution list? A day only has 12 hours ya know...

So yeah, it's going so-so this year. A few of these things I'll probably catch up on, some of them don't seem very useful in retrospect, but anyway, there's a lot of 2012 left so I better get to it.

Total? 7 Nopes, 5 Almosts & 4 Yepps.


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