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Flue With The Flow

ATCHOOO! Sniff, snurf, I caught a cold.

So I was standing at the train station and every single person I saw was sniffling and caoughing, seriously, every single person! Note, there were not more than 7 people there at the time, but still... everyone is sick now, including myself. Yay, autumn has arrived. :(


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  1. Cyberdevil
    Saturday Nov/4/2006


  2. Cyberdevil
    Sunday Nov/5/2006


  3. n3s
    Sunday Nov/5/2006

    Last time I had a cold was . . . last year . . . maybe . . .

  4. Cyberdevil
    Sunday Nov/5/2006

    Lucky you . . .

  5. Joe
    Sunday Nov/5/2006

    Cyberdevil, your commenting section is incorrect it should say:
    "Cyberdevil Sneezes :

  6. Cyberdevil
    Monday Nov/6/2006

    lmao, that would be great.

  7. azrag
    Tuesday Nov/7/2006

    sorry you were sick. If you havent seen this video below you must. LOL
    best weird al song in ages

  8. Cyberdevil
    Friday Nov/10/2006

    White and nerdy, lmao. Its great! Best one since Amish Paradise, lmao.

  9. Cyberdevil
    Friday Nov/10/2006

    White and nerdy, lmao. Its great! Best one since Amish Paradise, lmao.

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