In the early 1950's, the threat of Communism created an air of paranoia in the United States and exploiting those fears was Senator Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin. However, CBS reporter Edward R. Murrow and his producer Fred W. Friendly decided to take a stand and challenge McCarthy and expose him for the fear monger he was. However, their actions took a great personal toll on both men, but they stood by their convictions and helped to bring down one of the most controversial senators in American history.
Is this movie a little over-rated, maybe? 51 wins, 87 nominations, and 6 nominations for Oscar?! For a black and white movie that takes place mostly inside a building, and features a famous news anchor from times of old speaking up on *see above*, it really wasn't that fantastic... was it?
Yet all the while I'm typing this, I'm recalling how awed I was at the speeches; the truthful rendition of this old world, all in black and white, people's faces stylishly veiled by curls of smoke, their eyes alive, glowing in a way you can't seem to portray with color. David Strathairn puts on a so authentic performance he becomes his black and white counterpart. George Clooney kind of stands out, though I'm not sure it's that he doesn't fit the times as much as that I recognize him (he looks very much like his regular self) and I don't subconsciously approve. The actors overall are perfect choices... even Clooney I guess, it's just weird seeing him in this new old surrounding.
It's an odd type of movie, a truthful recreation of the old world; the people that lived there, how they worked, what they said and did and the battle they fought - with words rather than violence. Amidst the acting, there's a couple of old commercials and some actual footage from those days past, showed on TV within the movie as if not just us viewers but the main characters are the audience.
From start to finish, there is one death, but there's not a single bullet fired. No action. Mostly talking. All of it about a time I don't recall, from a place I have no affiliation with - the US of A in this Day and Age. So, why was it still so inspiring to watch? The fact that it's based on actual events probably plays a part, as do the refreshingly inspiring newscasts - so unlike the ones today. And it doesn't tell a story as much as it delivers a message; a memorable one at that. One that still applies, even in our new and colorful world. All in all I guess it really was... a good movie!
rated 4/5: fo shizzle
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