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Inktober #29 - Keep Going (3:55)

It ain't Inktober without the great @JamesHeart! Jumped on a beat this year too, and made this art. Art I happy with my quality and vocal time though? It's not quite sublime, but still like a pinecone.

I mean pointy, easy, and it's falling too. It has that autumn view. It has that acute crudeness. It has seeds within, of some superfruit. If you just peel its skin, and see through that shell. Like with the fabled news: they reshape it well. And the newest new media, what do you even see? When AI can make both your reality and dream. When it can seem both weird and clear as day. We need some legislation I say. So we know if something's but a deepfake. So we don't start wars off of fear and hearsay. Worst case...

Anyway I appreciate this instrumental James! I know I did this one just alright, not great, but alas that's the day, and the last one take, with an aftertaste of improving grooving. Tomorrow again the move's resuming! Let's see then... how I do things.

Lyrics here.


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