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Inktober #30 - The Revolution's Coming

AKA The Revolution, For The Revolution, Just Another Revolution, I'm In, Another Boom...


Boom! These are too good, for a rap mayhaps... but I'm in a mood... let's go... let's make this huge... Cyberdevil, James Heart, yeaaah...


The revolution's coming!
I can see the future riding in!
A bright wave on a misty morning!
In the distance unusual drumming!

The sky filling up with lightning bolts!
Striking people with a thousand volts!
Jolting them up from their slumber!
Been a slumber party too long! We're all sunburnt!

Eyes gouged out by cruel intentions!
Our brains fried out by new inventions!
No intervention's coming! Go fix your plumbing!
Take control or you'll miss the summit!

Where true folks gather around with new hope!
Standing on a mountain top in blue smoke!
Lightning striking us down like 'move over'!
How much can we handle of this? Who knows!


But we won't ever budge...
Only cronies can judge us...
Yet we're so out of touch...
We're killing our loved ones...

Like we don't need to live...
Or to see what we've built...
There's a sword deep inside us...
How do we handle our guilt...


And how to put a hand on our hilts and give way!
For the blade deep in our soul and live great!
Why do you feel you're dead but still ain't?
How to get out of your head and still shape?

The world with all the mental acuity only you
Imbue in me - I'm going for unity it is true,
Painstakingly - you NEVER walk with ease on a
Mountain! You're proving unruly and undue

But that's truance! That is the nuance you need to have!
To be who you need to be! Grab what you need to grab!
Take a foothold or a stab! The world is like a scab!
We keep poking at it, but it's only out of habit...

We can leave it to itself, we can hide here on a shelf,
Let it work it's own magic...


The revolution's coming!
I can see the future riding in!
A bright wave on a misty morning!
In the distance unusual drumming!

The sky filling up with lightning bolts!
Striking people with a thousand volts!
Jolting them up from their slumber!
Been a slumber party too long! We're all sunburnt!

But we won't ever budge...
Only cronies can judge us...
Yet we're so out of touch...
We're killing our loved ones...

Like we don't need to live...
Or to see what we've built...
There's a sword deep inside us...
How do we deal with our guilt...

And all the good that we've sold!
All the crops of our harvest!
All our purity - our hearts and souls
Are the seeds that we sow and then farm with!

And we feed it so willingly!
This machine of this evil instilled in
Our world, a machine that turns all our dreams...
Our being, our meaning is wilting!

But we will never budge an inch - we stand tall!
The tougher the climb the tougher the mind - that's all!

We're running from time! We're binding our souls!
To ugliness I! Wish I didn't know!
In search for ulterior motives and meanings!
We're molding ourselves into demons!

Ugly abominations but we're pilgrims!
We can turn our bodies! You can't kill them!
You can't break this bridge that we're building!
And we'll break away from your ceilings!

WE are the children of the revolution!
WE ride the wave! WE clear disillusion!
WE tell the truth! WE are the future!
WE are the teacher! WE are the tutor!

We're no superheroes but we've nerve!
To claim we're the carers for the Earth!
Whatever careers here we need to merge!
So we can breath this air without hurt!

I've heard enough, I know enough, I can't put it all...
Into words

But I'm trying, this is a first...

I'm in.


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