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Kingdom Of The Planet Of The Apes (2024)

Kingdom Of The Planet Of The Apes (2024)

For thousands of years, humans ruled the planet. Their hubris would lead to
their downfall.
A man-made virus gave rise to an intelligent species of Ape. For humans it
had the reverse effect, robbing them of their intellect and ability to speak.
As Ape and Human struggled to co-exist, one ape rose up and sacrificed
everything for his kind. His name was Caesar.

The latest reboot of the Planet of the Apes franchise. It starts with the death of Caesar, and continues with a new clan, and a human, and a new Caesar. Though the truly new Caesar may not be the Caesar you expect him to be...

How does it fare compared to the previous?

Better than I thought it would! Better than the trailers promise. With a world that almost looks like that of Avatar initially - in a postapocalyptic nature-overtakes-all paradise kind of way, but soon moves into a bleaker realm. Into that of humans, again, and all the chaos and carnage that for some reason compels us so. And weather it's human versus ape or human verses human there's always opposition. There's always exploitation. There's always evolution - for the betterment of the individual side above all others.

The movie really moves through all potential forms of interracial conflict, and yet
it's so simple... it's not what I hoped it'd be at all. It still holds a message, and a complex one at that; one of uncertainty. And it ends in a way that you'd assume you'd like but... do you really? Are humans the ones we truly root for after all?

It's complicated innit... I'm not happy with the end but I'm happy with that. Happy they kept it true to the franchise after all. I was skeptical when the main character was named Noah. Thought it'd tie into religion. Thought maybe he'd be the ape to somehow unite us all. And maybe he will be, but this movie was definitely not about that. It takes a complex concept and lets it encompass all the questions were to afraid to ask...

It's worthwhile. It's necessary. It's wondrous, visually. It's a little predictable too, but not always... it gets ruthless something. Unexpectedly. Though how else could it be.

Caesar is dead. Long live Caesar.

 rated 4/5: fo shizzle


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