My Vegetarian Belief

Many people have asked me why I am vegetarian, why I don’t eat meat and even mostlier why I have never even tried it. Heres the way I think.

If you are able to without disgust or regret kill an animal and make your own food out of it you have the right to eat it. Now don’t start saying that it’s a piece of cake – for most people it isn’t as simple as they think. I eat fish, since I have no problem with killing fish and making food out of them. Same goes for shrimps, clams and so on. A common argument meat eaters seem to take up a lot is that if animals have feelings, so have plants. It has though never been proven, and if you study the structure of plants and animals you will notice that they are completly different. Stupid argument. – I can easily kill plants, make food out of them and eat them, so I have the right to eat plants. And since both logic and science shows that plants don’t feel a thing, makes it a lot easier to kill them.

Long long ago in the stoneage there was a lot of animals, and people didn’t know how to farm either. Nowaday we know how to farm, and our skills with it are improving greatly. The animals however – are being eaten, and if it wasn’t for animal farming they would probably all be extinct already. I don’t like the idea of animal farming hwoever, since the animals that are farmed don’t have any freedom, which I believe is important. If animals live in the wild, and are then hunted down and killed I have no problem with it, but since there are not that many animals in the wild and it is possible to eat veggetables . . . why kill them?

Farming animals also takes up a lot of energy. The animals, in order to grow, eat a lot of greenery. If the energy that was eaten was used to farm plants instead, there would be much more food made from the same ammount of energy. I don’t have any statistics to show, but you can dig deeper in this if you like. People are starving in the world, and how do we solve these problems? There are a lot ways that the problems could be solved.

The final meat eater argument is, It tastes so good! Yeah, it probably does. So does quorn, soya and all the other new vegetarian alternatives. I should mention that it’s believed that eating vegetarian food is healthier as well, as long as you eat a balanced diet. They say proteins only come in animals, not true. It also comes in beans, in large ammounts. Soya beans are specificly used for alternative vegetarian products. The soya burgers, sausages etc look just like the real thing, and are said to taste fairly alike as well. So what are you waiting for? Do yourself and the rest of the world a big favour, become vegatarian. 😛

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