Britain’s best place to park?
The best place to park in the UK is at a Birmingham shopping centre, according to a new survey.
Kevin Beresford, head of the Car Park Appreciation Society, was hired by the AA to test the best and worst places to park across the country.
Mr Beresford, of Redditch, Worcester, said Birmingham’s Mailbox complex had good lighting, nice background music and good space width.
He told the BBC: “It is quite a stylish building, which helps it. It is easy to get into and easy to get out, it’s not that cheap though but I guess you get what you pay for.”
The worst space according to Mr Beresford was in London’s International Press Centre (IPC).
He said: “There’s one particular space which seems to be right by a staff door that would open right onto your car. Trying to turn around there would be almost impossible.
“I was shocked how bad the car parks in this country were. A car park is like any other building – why should they be smelly or dark.”
Source : Ananova
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