Artist branded ‘satanic’ over African stunt

A Danish artist has been branded ‘evil and satanic’ after bribing African villagers with livestock to adopt his name.

Kristian von Hornsleth offered Ugandan villagers free goats, sheep and pigs on condition they take his surname.

He says it’s to highlight the perils of aid given with conditions to African countries, but his project has been denounced by Ugandan authorities.

Uganda’s ethics and integrity minister, James Buturo, said: “It’s illegal and insulting.

“He claims one animal can get them out of poverty, which is a lie. Then they have to take his name? But these methods are evil and satanic.”

Mr Hornsleth launched an exhibition in Copenhagen with 108 photographs of people holding up ‘identity cards’ in the red, yellow and black of Uganda’s flag with the name ‘Hornsleth’.

“It’s a remark about hypocrisy, about western and third world relations,” Mr Hornsleth said.

George Sabadu Hornsleth, 46, said he was grateful for the pig he got. “I never had a pig, I was jobless apart from some land,” he said.

“Africans adopting European names for gifts – that’s nothing new. We’ve been doing that since colonial times. Why do you think I’m called George?”

Source : Ananova

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