Pub ban on randy soldiers

Servicemen have been banned from a city’s pubs – because they keep on pulling local girls.

Most pub bosses in the centre of Exeter have told soldiers and sailors they will not serve them, reports The Sun.

Landlady Natalie Bament said: “They come to the city with lots of cash. Girls are after them and it causes problems.”

But the ban was blasted by the grandad of Cullompton soldier Daniel Coffey, 21, killed in Iraq this month.

David Godfrey, 61, said: “It’s very sad pubs should have this policy – I’m shocked. City Lord Mayor Norman Sheils branded the ban “unhealthy”.

Exeter University professor Roger Burt said: “It is apparently all right for these men and women to die for us – but not drink with us.”

But Natalie, of The Mint pub, said:”It is not the service people’s fault, it’s just that locals don’t mix well with them. There is trouble.”

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