Billionaire buys homes for the needy

A Japanese billionaire has bought four homes in Hawaii for needy families.

Genshiro Kawamoto had promised to buy the homes in Honolulu and charge just £75 a month rent.

But, as he handed over the keys and £500 spending money to each family, he said he would not be charging them any rent at all.

The announcement brought gasps and then tears from the grateful families, reports the Honolulu Advertiser.

“I’m shocked. I’m overwhelmed,” said single mother Dorie-Ann Kahale, the first to receive her keys.

Ms Kahale, 39, and her five daughters had been living in a transitional housing project since October and on a beach in Nanakuli prior to that.

“Thank you,” she said to Mr Kawamoto. “I love you so much.”

Mr Kawamoto said he had never intended to charge a dime in rent for the houses which cost him £1million to £1.7million in 2005.

“I wanted to do this in the beginning, but I didn’t want to announce it too soon,” Kawamoto said through an interpreter. “These are good people.”

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