Spitting feathers

One of the Queen’s elite guards is in trouble – after he was filmed biting the head off a live chicken.

The video shows the soldier spit out the head, with the bird’s wings still flapping, reports the Sun.

The clip caused outrage when it was posted on YouTube under the heading: “Who feels like chicken tonight?”

Within hours of it appearing, hundreds of angry viewers complained, prompting YouTube staff to call in the police.

The soldier is believed to be a 22-year-old who serves with the Household Cavalry’s elite Scots Guards regiment.

A Scots Guards source told the paper: “He is in serious trouble. As a member of the Household Division it’s his job to guard the Queen and we expect all our men to conduct themselves accordingly.”

Police traced the video back to the guardsman and he was given an £80 fixed penalty for criminal damage.

A spokesman for Lancashire Police confirmed: “He was very remorseful for what he had done. This was a drunken and sick joke.

“We will be speaking to the web administrators to ensure that such material is not posted again.”

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