How to Hack Yahoo and Hotmail

A lot of correspondence has been received dwelling on the question as to whether yahoo and hotmail’s login and password can be hacked. A lot of these appeared to be from jealous boyfriends wanting to know whether their girlfriend was cheating on them or not others simply curious. Although this document gives you an introduction on how to hack yahoo and hotmail email it does not imply that you should go ahead and do so, it is presented for education purposes only.

There is no simple way to hack yahoo and hotmail. You cannot just click a button and gain instant access to someone else’s email account. There were several incidents in computer security history where this was accomplished such as an example in sweden where someone provided an exploit for hotmail that allowed access to other people’s email. All these exploits have long been fixed and it is very unlikely that anyone will develop any simple and easy way to do it.

The main objective of hacking any web based email is to obtain the username and password. Since the username is usually included in the target’s email and that is known the password is the only important part required. E.g. [email protected]

Fake Login Page
Keylogger Spy Software
Keylogger Trojan
Keylogger Hardware

Fake Login Page
A few computer security web pages provide what is known as the fake login page. This software is downloaded from a computer security web page and installed on the target’s computer. Once the target accesses his/her email login page E.g. the fake login page will show that looks exactly like the original email login page, when they type their username/password to login the password is saved permanently in a secret file on the computer. All the hacker has to do then is retrieve and view the file to see the target’s password. This is a good technique to use if you own or have access to the computer to be hacked.

Keylogger Spy Software
What is a keylogger ? a keylogger is simply a program or a device that records everything you type on the keyboard, that includes any passwords that are typed. There are a lot of different Spy Softwares available on the internet such as on computer security web pages and software download sites. What the spy software does is collect information on the use of your computer. The software needs to be installed on the computer to be hacked and after that gives detailed reports and log files on the activity of the users such as what web pages were visited and more importantly everything they have typed. Then all that has to be done is to view the keylogger file and identify any text that appears to be the password. This is a good technique to use if you own or have access to the computer to be hacked.

Keylogger Trojan
This is similar to the Keylogger Spy Software with a few major differences. This software is designed to be sent to the target by email disguised as a friendly program or file. When the target opens this file the trojan installs itself and does any function the file is indicated to do so as to avoid suspicion. After that the trojan regularly sends reports to the hacker on the use of the target’s computer, these include the important keylogger file that has the typed password in it. The trojan is usually attached to a program, it adds itself to be executed at the end of the program file and in addition a good trojan encrypts itself to avoid being detected by antivirus or security software. This is the technique to use if you do not have physical access to the target’s computer and would like to operate remotely without detection.

Keylogger Hardware
Computer security shops sell a small device known as the keylogger, this is usually a small cylindrical device that acts as a through-port between the keyboard cable’s plug and the computer’s socket. This will record all the keystrokes typed by the keyboard user and all the data is saved on the device itself. Once the device is retrieved any computer can be used to download the keystrokes and evaluate the file to find the password being used. Once again you need physical access to the computer being hacked to use this device. The advantage is that the device cannot be detected by any software on the computer such as antivirus software and security software.

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