High Explosives

Explosives can be classified into two different grades, they are High and Low. Low can include such as Black Powder and other non detonated compounds. High includes such things as C4 and Ammonium Nitrate Etc. It is known that liquid explosives have several major advantages over Solids. The fact that liquid explosives have a uniform density means that they are much more powerful per area than non uniform solid explosives.
Nitromethane is one of the safest and cheapest liquid explosives available on the market. It can be obtained from Chemical supply houses, drag strips and hobby stores as model airplane fuel and many other places. Nitromethane obtained is usually combined with methanol which means it is not explosive. If boiled for 20-30 seconds the methanol is evaporated leaving only nitromethane which is shock sensitive from 20 feet. By adding ammonia to it you get an extremely powerful explosive, using 6% ammonia by weight. This is more than 20 times more powerful than TNT. It is usually used by confining and detonating.

Ammonium Nitrate is another good substance which can be used to sensitize nitromethane. This is done by placing Ammonium nitrate in a pan and cooking until it turns into a brown liquid, then cooling in a plate of aluminium and crushing the cool substance into a fine powder. Adding 2 cups of this to a half cup of nitromethane would result in a substance that when placed in a pipe and detonated could take off the side of a house.

(Ammonium nitrate and anhydrous hydrazine)
If fertillizer grade ammonium nitrate is to be used it has to be first purified. This is done by boiling Methanol Alchohol and adding the fertillizer Ammonium nitrate until no more of it will dissolve. This is then cooled in an ice bath and the white crystalls deposited at the bottom are pure Ammonium Nitrate. Thus the pure Ammonium nitrate can be heated on a lowest temperature on a pan in the oven until very dry. 1 Kilo of this is added to a half kilo of anhydrous hydrazine.

To further convert this into AIG add a quarter kilo of of 200 mesh aluminium with the ammonium nitrate before before adding the nitromethane created earlier. This produces an extremely powerful explosive. It can be detonated with a J1 or #8 detonator.

Anhydrous hydrazine can be obtained out of a chemical supply house, it is also known as rocket fuel. It is difficult to obtain but a few science mail order companies do provide it.

Nitromethan is extracted from Hobby Airplane fuel which can be found in hobby stores. The fuel is usually composed of 20% Nitromethane and the remaining is methanol.

There are many techniques for creating detonators.

Other High Explosives
A high explosive can be composed out of bullseye gunpowder. Nitromethane is added to a quarter kilo of bullseye until it is the consistency of thick gel. Then one eighth of a kilo of pure ammonium nitrate is added to it and kneaded. This is placed in a plastic bag and detonated in a metal pipe with #8 detonator. This has twice the power of C4.

This article is for information purposes only. All explosives are very difficult to create and safety should always be an issue. Do not use an open flame for heating, do not breath any gases released, do not combine hot chemicals together, do not use cigarettes.

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