Anime Sites
Anime, short for animation, attributed the unique Japanese style of art primarily derived from Manga, Japanese comics in which characters are usually perverted and/or have big eyes, among other things. Anime used to be rare in the Western hemisphere, then it spread like a ravaging plague across the world. No surprise. It's great.
Anime Databases
Huge sources of Anime information.
Anime Fansubs
Groups who translate (sub) Japanese Anime.
- Anime Destiny
- AnimeONE
- Arigatou Hell
- Arlong Park
- Bleachverse
- Detective Conan Translation Project
- Horrible Subs
- Kira Fansubs
- Kubu Subs
- Kyuubi Subs Narutoverse
- Sayonara Group
- SGKK Fansubs
- Subdesu
- Subdesu-H
- Taka Fansubs
- Yibis
- Yonkou Fansubs
Anime Sites
Communities, streams, downloads, blogs, etc.
- All Anime
- Anifreak
- Anilinkz
- Anime Atom
- Anime Chords
- Anime Crave
- Anime Crazy
- Anime Focus
- Anime Fringe
- Anime FTW
- Anime Fushigi
- Anime Kida
- Anime Lab
- Anime Lyrics
- Anime Motivation
- Anime NFO
- Anime OST
- Anime Palm
- Anime Paper
- Anime Planet
- Anime Picks
- Anime Season
- Anime Secrets
- Anime Sensei
- Anime Stage
- Anime Suki
- Anime Tip
- Anime Toplist
- Anime Wallpapers
- Anime Woot
- Anime Yume
- Animemi
- Baka Updates
- Bleach Portal
- Crunchy Roll
- DBZ Episode
- Gendou's Anime Music
- Kenchi Anime Forever
- Naruto-kun
- Nihonomaru
- National Anime
- Prutser
- Rabbit Poets
- Reality Lapse
- The Spectrum
- Them Anime
- What The Anime
As in the stuff that's not animated.
Anime for adults. The word hentai means pervert.