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Longevity Protocol 2025

Not mine! Bryn Johnson's.

This is the guy I hope to post more about, and pick up some advice and inspiration from this year.

I'm not implementing all of this into my own protocol for a better life - longevity irrelevant. Thus far I've been doing only the regular computer breaks. Light exercise throughout the day.

I've been trying to move around more for roughly a week now, and though the time between breaks so far does vary greatly - I don't want to set a timer as that quickly just becomes a source of annoyance, and detracts from the fun and benefit of the routine - I do feel better.

A few dumbbell lifts, a few squats, a run down and back up the stairs, the plank for half a minute or so... those are the types of break activities I'm currently varying. And looking out the windows a bit before I sit down again, as to exercise my eyes while I'm at it; hopefully reduce myopic progression. The 20-20-20 regime I ought be following (twenty second breaks every twenty minutes for... I'm not sure what that last twenty stood for anymore) seems just impossible to uphold, but coupled with regular exercise breaks? It's not! It's so much easier.

Unlike eye exercises you actually feel a direct benefit from actual physical exercise, and that's motivating, so they're easy to combine. And more regular physical exercise = more discipline! So far so good.

I mean I've actually been writing my diary on a daily basis so far. Brushing my teeth. Doing eye exercises in the mirror while I do. Taking long walks with regularity; sometimes multiple in a day. All the little things.

Discipline overall feels strong.

I'm still not sleeping enough at all, but movement seems to keep the sense of hopelessness in resolving said sleep issues at bay too.

If I only get 5-6 hours in a night I can get by on a few powernaps during the day instead. Optimism's the big resource. Keep it up; keep going; minor inconveniences shall sort themselves out.

I do need to start working a bit with my diet too, and morning care's important... more protocol implementations TBC!


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