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Look Up!

I'm not going to write anything so you won't have expectations. If you haven't seen it.

If you have seen it then... let me just chime in with your subconscious and say this is a friggin' masterpiece! I get so damn emotional watching this, and not just because of the refreshingly guiding poetry... but it might have something to do with only four hours of sleep last night. Either way, this speaks of the world; for the world; for our future, evaluating the now and asking us to question our global addiction: our way of life. Maybe this is what will finally spur a change, a revolution in values and state of society? I don't think so, but it would be pretty neat. Now is a good time to stop staring into a screen and make a difference. Look Up!


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  1. Doomroar
    Wednesday May/7/2014

    Hahahah extroverts are getting an existentialist crisis, this is hilarious! the irony is that what got them in that situation was/is their own desire to socialize XD.

    Lolololol, is almost like if this was a planned revenge, so delicious, if it was then kudos to you sir/madam!

  2. Cyber
    Wednesday May/7/2014

    Mmm yeah, ironic it is! :) Still inspiring though right? Right?

  3. Doomroar
    Thursday May/8/2014

    I can see how this can be a problem for other persons, and thus it must be inspiring for them, but i myself don't use Facebook, Twitter, or obsess over chatting on my phone...

  4. Cyber
    Thursday May/8/2014

    Well I don't either, but their habits affect me too whenever I'm amongst people - when people pick up their phones while we're sitting and chatting, or at dinner, or when I'm on the subway and everyone's in a world of their own. The world's really changed from how it used to be, with people freely interacting, not scared to look each other in the eyes. I'm thinking the people who really have this problem might not take the video to heart though, heard about it on the radio first - spoken about by a couple of 'social media pro's' - and they didn't seem to get the point with it. :/

  5. S3C
    Friday May/9/2014

    Hehe good comments here- I'm going to die fat & single and it will have nothing to do with an addiction to digital communication. I don't even own a smartphone...It's not that I disagree with anything that was said, there certainly are tons of rude people who excessively use their phones and whatnot at inappropriate times but the video seems sensationalized all the same. The overall message is a bit moot considering most social media talk is the result of real life events. And most extroverted people wouldn't even be on the web (as was the case before smartphones and Myspace) for social purposes if they didn't have such real life events to post about.

  6. Doomroar
    Friday May/9/2014

    Lol the video is so damn straight, direct, and explicit how come they cant get the point? i am ok with people being stuck in their own worlds and even i can get the point, maybe they are in negation, or maybe is convenient for the experts if people don't get it, in the sense that they are being paid by social media companies.

  7. Cyber
    Friday May/9/2014

    Hey @S3C! Well I don't know how the rest of the world looks, but here in Sweden it's pretty apocalyptic. If you waltz into a subway train at after-work hours on a regular day, at least 90% of the people on it are looking straight into their phones, paying little or no attention to the surrounding world. It goes beyond just rudeness in how trapped they are into this new form of socializing. Couples are sitting next to each other both hooked up to... who knows what. People are embarrassed to speak when nobody else does. People are afraid to make eye contact. Personally I'm pretty glued to the screen at home, a large portion of the day, but when I'm outside I don't want to be connected; I don't want to spend the entire year connected. It's awesome how it's possible to bridge the oceans so easily and speak to anyone about anything; have buddies on the other side of the planet, but you still need to live a little locally. I'm not interacting nearly enough, but at least I'm not hiding behind a smartphone...

    Reminds me of this other commercial ad, a picture taken at a train station, where you can see everybody glued to their little screens and then there's one guy looking up to the sky. The title reads "What's he looking at?" and in smaller text below it "The world". That kinda sums it up! The web's all nice and dandy, but IMO this is a different thing, it's changing the way we socialize, behave, interpret our surroundings... and not in a good way.

    As for social events though, have you seen any modern concert footage? All those smartphones waving around the air trying to capture the moment? It's really become a "capture the moment" rather than a "experience the moment". I haven't actually been to a concert myself, but looking at footage the people seemed way more engaged a few decades ago, they lived into the music, now they're just focused on letting the rest of the world/their connects get a part of the action. It's just a sad evolution...

  8. Cyber
    Friday May/9/2014

    @Doomroar I guess because they don't want to. :/ Yeah, well being in your own world once in a while isn't bad... but not being in the real world... (see comment above for potential elaboration :P)

    True that.

  9. Doomroar
    Friday May/9/2014

    "they lived into the music, now they’re just focused on letting the rest of the world/their connects get a part of the action."
    Ain't that nice they are sharing the experience with all of us chumps who are too poor to go to a concert, nice people right there XD.

    Well my phone is too trashy for me to immerse on it even if i wanted to, and even if i could the only screen i like is my PC monitor, so is all scenery watching for me, IRL conversations are usually boring i agree with Nietzlawe in that part, i can't really talk about all these things IRL. And not to be rude, but i don't really care about how good the party last week(which i didn't attend) was, for real... i talk for me, but i am not missing much with this change. In the contrary i can end winning if i decide to start using Facebook, just to tell them to mail me important things, which they already do, but being asked constantly if i have Facebook is kinda tiresome "Yes i do, but i never use it".

  10. Cyber
    Friday May/9/2014

    lol man, twisting my message! :D I can't argue with that, I do appreciate all that concert footage on YT, but they're missing out, watching the concert on the screen even when it's right in front of them! It's like that MisterHerbal cartoon where the guy's on his deathbed posting to instagram. :O

    Parties? Man I don't attend parties! I want to just walk, go biking maybe, paddle around a lake or something, or if I had the $$$ just ride around, see sceneries, philosophize, comment on the world out there... socialization feels useful when you're in motion. IRL conversation I mean. I usually don't like just hanging out and mingling, that stagnates quickly if you're not around some pretty special people. Debate via the net has it's own charm: here you can file up the edge of your words as you post them, think, re-think, really engage in the topic at hand in a different way! What I don't like is the whole Facebooking aspect, that constantly being connected, keeping track of everyone; making everyone else aware of what you are currently up to. I don't do that; I don't want to engage myself in the lives of those I know that way, I want to be able to call them and ask what's up instead of expecting to have these notifications pushed in my face and show my continual interest via like-ly interaction. Seems you think the same way though? I have FB too but rarely use it, had to start a while back because of work (see that's how dependent society has become on this platform), but I stay away when I can.

  11. Doomroar
    Sunday May/11/2014

    As an unemployed student, i can still have the privilege of not using FB, but yeah that is how things are nowadays, BTW that hing that S3C said: "And most extroverted people wouldn’t even be on the web (as was the case before smartphones and Myspace) for social purposes if they didn’t have such real life events to post about."
    He is so right on that one, real events take place out of the net, that is what make people feel part of something. Probably the biggest use of these mediums is that of control, they all know what is happening with other people regardless of them waiting or not, that is probably the main reason why i don't use FB, i really don't want them knowing what i do, or to know what they do, however unlike you i haven't developed the habit of asking what they have been doing when i meet in real life, when i actually ask is because the conversation is dying or it has been a really long time without seeing someone.

  12. Cyber
    Sunday May/11/2014

    I wish I could've been an unemployed student forever! :D That might be true, might be... the net is a lot easier to use now than it used to though, you don't need to be a geek to get online; it's become a norm in other categories, like: if you want to look up a number, a place on a map, an article on wikipedia etc, I don't think socializing is all that brings extroverted people here. Actually, some of the most extroverted people I know (like my big brother) are the ones who use the net least and are most against it, because it's not 'real' interaction. They want that face-to-face experience, using body language to convey ideas and emotions, you know?

    They're all turning into control freaks! :D Well I don't really have a habit of asking people how they're doing IRL, I (un)usually send an email, but th aforementioned way is how I'd want to live. Just give people a call. Just speak. Simple communication; simple life.

  13. Doomroar
    Monday May/12/2014

    Yeah that is what S3C is saying, real extrovert want actual face-to-face interaction.

    I probably would never remember that i have to call someone and ask how they are doing XD.

  14. Cyber
    Monday May/12/2014

    Oooh, alright, then he's absolutely right! XD

    Well that's alright, in the perfect world they'd call you instead. :P

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