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Megalopolis (2024)

Megalopolis (2024)

Adam Diver VS Shia LaBeouf, and Aubrey Plaza mm mm. Not entirely convinced by the killer actor. Jon Voight I'm still skeptical of.

Its visionary. A mirror of our own world, of the past and future, a layer of alternative potential on the almighty USA.

Megalon, is that the matter of dreams? Hope? Love? Is this a metaphor for the indestructible quality it takes to build a new world?

The setting feels both old and new. The structures are futuristic, but the world's clearly America. Voight even says it at one point. It seems unfitting for a parallel world. I like the creative filming, and the symbolism, with mist and light and time control, but then some things don't seem creative enough... not different enough.

Aubrey's kinky aunt scene seems out of place for Rome, too, especially watching this at a movie theatre, in a room apparently mostly inhabited by older people. I kept thinking about how they would perceive it more so than actually appreciating the scene for myself - which I no doubt would have did I watch it at home, solo. The thought that other people in the room of said upper age group might actually appreciate the scene too was maybe even more off-putting than that. Regular sex scenes don't seem that awkward, but this one man...

Though the depravity is a big part of the movie for sure. I don't mind when its scandalous if its in a good way. When its with a flare, or nudity natural. The party. The body at the bottom of the lake. The morgue. Those scenes feels alright... Aubrey somehow does not seem a part of this world.

Maybe I misread her character.

For the most part though this was so good.

Love the play with nature.

Love the message.

Curious about what parallels they really draw to modern politics, are these the leaders of our time or more so historical ones

Are the people symbolic, or the symbols symbols of people instead.

The circus, the games, we still have those too... the parallels ring true. The decadence and depravity of our modern world seem to be key...

It's almost perfect. Adam Diver in particular is flawless, I'm not as convinced by everyone else. Like Nathalie... there's just something about her. She's sweet, but not as convincing...

 rated 4.5/5: almost awesome


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