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This is truly an addicting game!

Dig your way around and collect different kinds of minerals. The deeper you go the more valuable minerals you find, but you'll have to remember to get back to the surface and refuel or you'll explode. Sell the minerals for cash you can use for gas or to buy Upgrades for your vehicle. Check it out! Screenshot below:


If you haven't played it already go do so, and if you played it at Miniclip, don't! You can submit your high-scores there, but at Xgen you can save your game and continue playing later on... which I think is a lot better! Who doesn't? I played it at Miniclip first and was up at a score over 50,000 when I realized you couldn't save!!! #¤/%&"# Miniclip..

You can also find this game on the Games page.


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  1. Cyberdevil
    Saturday Jun/3/2006

    Best game ever! :) I haven't played it for a while now, but I returned to my old habits today and I just got a 2nd Satan head! LOL.

  2. n3s
    Saturday Jun/3/2006

    cool game.

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