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Movies That Moved Me

I had almost forgotten how good movies can be, how deep into your soul they can reach in, how swiftly they can move you to completely new and unknown territories. I felt much more for the movies I watched way back when I first started watching and appreciating movies, not in the same great amount as I do nowadays, and with this as cause I no longer appreciate movies to the same extent as I did before I had as many classics past me to bring back and compare newly watched stuffing to. I watched The Big Hit (1998) yesterday, and Leon (1994) today, and I don't know if it was my temporary ample agony or the fact that they just made better movies during the nineties than they will ever manage to make again, but I really enjoyed them.

Unlike most cinematical flicks I've seen these past years these wouldn't let me skip through not even a minute Despite every scene not being entirely filled with action or wits, everything flowed together in a way modern movies don't seem to achieve, there was no need for effects, no flashy soundtrack, no array of gigantic explosions (well, obviously there were a couple big ones, at least) and they still formed bigger pictures than the skippy way too fast paced movies released nowadays, too few good ones. These ones I really recommend.


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