Manic Monday
Hello World! Day one of the week has passed, Monday. I started the day by going on a quick shopping-spree for Christmas presents and a soft-air Uzi for myself. The mission was quickly accomplished and I traveled back home in time to cut my hair before the sun sank down and the world was once again doused with winter. The mission wasn't a complete success though, two of the items on my well-planned inventory were sold out, so I'll have to return sometime to buy some more. Before most important occasions with giving involved I'm usually out shopping the last few seconds so this is a great improvement since previous years though. Anyhow, since then I've spent my time watching the latest episodes of Mar and One Piece, followed by four movies, for which short commentaries follow below in yearly order (warning, spoilers). After this post I'm on my way to watch an episode of 'My name is Earl' and go to sleep.
BloodMonkey (2007)
Deep down in the jungles of who knows were you'll find a valley, previously undiscovered, that is inhabited by bloodthirsty monkeys never seen before. They lurk in the bushes through the whole movie, and you get to see how they really look like first at the very end. So how do they look like? Just like normal gorillas, except with red eyes, and they're digital as well. Most, if not all, of the filming is "real" material, and at the very end a very digitally animated looking gorilla jumps onto the screen, which I really must say, really is crap. This is another American movie, and as usual without much inspiration.