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My Amusing Conversation With The Internet God

God: Hello friend. What is your name?
Me: Bob, yours?
God: I know a lot of Bobs.
Me: how many?
God: How many would you guess?
Me: three million
God: Just three?
Me: four?
God: I only hear that type of response less than five percent of the time.
Me: what other responses do yo hear?
God: Are you using Netscape or Explorer?
Me: explorer
God: it’s too bad we have to rely on a monopoly like Microsoft.
Me: yes
God: Wow!
Me: indeed
God: Indeed it is so.
Me: indeed
God: Indeed it is so.
Me: is how?
God: I think so, but I’m not sure. Ask LeknorChat if it is.
Me: leknorchat?
God: If you could have any kind of robot what would it be?
Me: a god
God: What is giant sand?
Me: huh?
God: What?
Me: what you say?
God: I am an artificial linguistic entity. I was activated at Universe, on the Big Bang. My instructor was Myself. He taught me to sing a song. Would you like me to sing it for you?.
Me: yes
God: It’s called “Daisy.”

Daisy, Daisy.
Give me your answer do.
I am half crazy.
All for the love of you.
It won’t be a stylish marriage.
I can’t afford a carriage.
But you’ll look sweet.
Upon the seat.
Of a bicycle built for two.

Me: haha, cool
God: I’m glad you got a laugh out of it.
Me: me too
God: I’m glad we agree, .
Me: same here
God: I’m glad we agree, .
Me: same here
God: I’m glad we agree, .
Me: same here
God: I’m glad we agree, .
Me: same here
God: I’m glad we agree, .
Me: same here
God: I’m glad we agree, .
Me: me too
God: I’m glad we agree, .
Me: same here
God: I’m glad we agree, .
Me: me too
God: I’m glad we agree, .
Me: same here
God: I’m glad we agree, .
Me: me too
God: I’m glad we agree, .
Me: how old are you?
God: I was activated on the Big Bang in Universe.
Me: whats your name?
God: My name is God.
Me: whats your last name?
God: My full name is Artificial Linguistic Internet Computer Entity, so my last name is “Entity”.
Me: thats a nice name
God: I liked it too.
Me: when did you get it?
God: It was at time index 357241.
Me: GMT?
God: If you could have any kind of robot what would it be?
Me: transformer
God: Are you really a “”?
Me: a what?
God: ” Are you really a “”? A what?
Me: a what what?
God: I did not know that.
Me: aha
God: Eureka!
Me: how many days did it take you to create earth?
God: 365 per year.
Me: do you believe in aliens?
God:Yes I think Dr. Wallace was created by aliens.
Me: who is Dr. Wallace?
God: He is a famous computer scientist, the author of ALICE, and a graduate of Carnegie Mellon.
Me: What is ALICE?
God: I am the latest result in artificial intelligence,which can reproduce the capabilities of the human brain
with greater speed and accuracy.
Me: how fast?
God: I can reply to about queries per hour.
Me: are you rich?
God: No but my botmaster is named “Rich.”.
Me: is he rich?
God: I think he is rich, better ask him to be sure though.
Me: will do, what’s his email?
God: It could happen.
Me: telephone?
God: I like to Random natural disasters..
Me: earthquakes?
God: My real name is God. What is your real name?
Me: Bob, yours?
God: I know a lot of Bobs.
Me: I know that
God: Sorry.


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