So I'm still off! I'm off in Östersund. Off the trails. Offline - currently - as I type this, but shall reconnect soon as to post this. And schedule some reviews. And manage my Inktober shizzle, which is - contrary to what the lack of recent blogs or updates here may lead you to believe - still ongoing - and has been going all month - and may indeed be the causation for content otherwise being a bit lacking here...
On topic of that off the rails thing though: I ought have been back in Stockholm today.
I ought have had exactly ten days of home-studio quality Inktober collaboration finales lined up before we celebrate my big sis' B-Day/Halloween and I head off on my first big freelance gig ever (I got it!), but as often is the case things do not always go according to plan!
I got sick.
I managed the final harvest, I managed the as-tradition-also-entails yearly cottage visit with good buddy Andreas, I managed staying at the farm a few more days as the snow came falling down and I started feeling like I didn't have much reason to be there any longer, managed a couple hotel nights in Luleå along with a very informative EMF/RF course and a work day in Stockholm and one day with my nephew and co in Östersund the day after and the day after that I was stuck indoors!
My nephew was heading off on an important film-related project in a couple of days, and my big bro/co were heading off to Stockholm to take dad to Stockholm Open, and in lieu of all these important, planned and ongoing travel plans it seemed best we keep some distance. I got my big bro's apartment to myself, he left on Thursday, my nephew on Friday, and here I have thus been for the last three days now, resting up.
And today... may be the first day I actually feel relatively rested.
So I'm writing a bit. And keeping up with more than just the obligatory Inktober - for which verses currently sound a little nasal and off - but at least I don't yet have a cough...
Colds don't keep you home these days do they? Do people take days off for such a thing as as a regular, age-old virus?
I do, sometimes. Though not as much since my work days were cut down, and I realized why people feel they need all the hours they can potentially get, and thus don't take sick days even when they're sick, and risk spreading said sickness further, and eventually everyone getting sick, which I find is a bitch at times like this.
No consideration for your fellow traveler or neighbor these days.
But never mind that. Back to the rails.
So I caught the cold. I then had this apartment to myself - food and relevant amenities included - and I had a train at 6:04 AM yesterday that'd take me back to Stockholm if I wished it. But that'd mean I'd be traveling sick, and that I'd get home sick, while we had guests over, of which one is unusually susceptible to contagions.
How would you reason? Worth it? No factor? Mitigate risk somehow? Stay away and rest instead?
I chose the latter option since:
1. The train left at 6:04. Which means I'd have had to be up somewhere between 4-5 AM to take it. Which in my current state did not seem like an appealing nor healthy idea.
2. I've recently been looking at this car rental service, where you can get certain rides for free - one tank of gas included - between destinations said car rental service is looking to move cars between. And when I recently looked at said service listing of free cars they actually had more than one available from Östersund. Not to the ideal source-destination then, but close enough, and more might pop up...
3. Train tickets are relatively cheap and plentiful. So if #2 wasn't an option it'd not be that great an issue anyway.
Plus I was tired. And it was pretty nice to be by myself for a minute. So, I stayed.
I checked that free-rental-car-service thing yesterday and they had a car they wanted taken from Östersund to Stockholm Arlanda! I booked it. I'm leaving this Monday. That's the plan.
Still do have a cold, and I would possibly be better off if I stayed here longer, but I've work on Tuesday, it'd be cool to at least meet up with my big bro & Co in STHLM before they head back, and you're only really contagious the first three or four days or so with a common cold right? Monday's the sixth day. Should be alright.
Then I can finally get back to my Focusrite and Shure and maybe get some better collabos going before this Inktober tour is floored, for this year... hope my vocals stay resilient. So far the worst thing I've been getting is a somewhat sore throat if I overdo it. And a vocal tone that's not ideal.
Let's keep on going. Off the rails. Onto wheels. Wheels and meals *obscure Jackie Chan reference if you didn't know it*...
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- Cyber used cuss word
- Cyber plays Fortnite (my friend who's hardcore fortnite player have shooted you down atleast once)
Hope your cold gets better as time goes by!
Also when you write a new post my day automatically gets better.
The... shizzle?
Ahh I'm sorry, that was a typo! Focusrite. Scarlett. It's an audio interface! I do hear good things about Fortnite though, would probably enjoy that too...
Thank ya biterr! Shall try to post more often.