I mentioned this one in an earlier blog, but it could definitely use some more exposure! Three weeks to go and it's still just over halfway to the funding goal... and it wasn't that different the last time I checked it.
Seems there was an influx of funding initially but then... standstill.
I wonder if NG's time is waning.
I wonder if they're making decisions that'll impact their legacy negatively - or reduce their support, with for example their recent focus on online safety, when they've been known as the rebels for so long, when their main selling point has been their community - comprised of the most diverse and amazing but also at times pretty mental individuals, and how they've embraced not just freedom of speech and expression, but all faults and flaws too, with both individuals and with the world in whole.
The tagline used to be The problems of the future, today
I'm not a fan of the changes... but then again I'm not a fan of how the Internet is changing as a whole either, and it seems like some of these changes on their behalf are inevitable, to cope with bigger changes in regulation and legislation elsewhere.
I'm not a fan of restrictions either.
And that, if anything, is a good reason to fund this documentary! To give the makers unrestricted potential to tell their story!
And to tell tales of how the Internet used to be, and how it can be once again! Of how one particular rebel managed to create a venue for artists all over the world, and impact the creative culture of said world for decades to come. And they're still impacting. We're still impacting!
I really hope the unnecessary legislation that's being passed around the globe lately, trying to keep teenagers off of the Internet; from pursuing their possible optimal paths in life, limiting access to any form of 'indecent' content, is just a temporary whim of woke culture and what-not.
Safety's important, sure. Integrity too. The ability to connect to people also.
Yet we're making all facets of collaboration and communication more difficult to arrange and manage when we try to control and monitor other things, and how weak have we really become? You don't think teens can handle a little violence or indecency anymore? Aren't we past that yet?
I turned out alright didn't I? You did too right? But hey I'm rambling.
I'm glad I'm not running a social media site myself right now, cause I wouldn't want to be the one forced to make these choices or changes either, and I shall stick with this ship till the end, no matter where it's going...
The world would be a different place without NG, as would my life for that matter, so it's worth at least that much.
Hopefully it keeps leading the charge, and both innovating and influencing the world in the best way for lifetimes to come.
This was pretty damn interesting. And yet, nobody's spoken! Be the first!
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