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Society False

Listen to me:
I bring great tidings, and things!
And all you want, see?
Hear me as I sing clear, and jingle with these bells.

I have stories, stories to tell,
Collected great wisdoms, but none of them held,
I'm saved by the bells, I wander my well,
And wonder how long I can wonder,
How long till the yonder.

You know me: you know how I spell.
You see my scribbles, my scrawls - on buildings, and halls.
I'm the vision, the bringer of smells,
Of sight and of sounds! The white on the grounds!

They pounce by the pound. To stop me.
They strike with their might. To stop me.
But stopped I will not see!
For I am the bringer of all, that lingers and falls,
And spins on, and lives on and mauls,
At all that you can see but can't call.

Society's false. I bash down it's walls.
Society's vile. We bask in denial.
Society's waltz. I dare not be taught,
What they want to teach: to other, and each,
Society falls.

A Christmas Stand-in Haiku

In this time of gifts
I can not even give you
A better poem

Clocks & Watches

The timing's clocked in.
Morning. My alarm clock rings,
And I get up dazed.

Shave my face with cold
Water. New age sentinel,
Soon growing dated.

Old like black and white
Movies. Race. Religions still.
Lingering fragments

Of a past we could.
But we can better today!
Improvement. Growing,

Old like the water,
Circulating through the vein
Of Gaia. Will we


Advice Four

I may be the first to leave!
But I won't be the first to breath while I burst a sneeze.

I may be the first to buy,
But I won't brush off a 'give me bread please' (only when it's money).

I brush my hair, but I ain't scared,
Because the brush points aren't metal, and accidents are accidental.

So even if you live your life in fear,
All you should really be is aware: that it's really detrimental.

A Changeling Day

Today is the day...
Today is the day...
Something changes in me.
I get my head out the gutter and be
What I claim to be!
You'll see - today's the day that I take what I need!
The key! To get me out of this cage and be free!
You say: I can't ever escape my esteem,
Can't live my dream, cant maintain my regime,
Can complain but cant proclaim; I cant be, what I'm aiming to be!
But all you do is pull lies, I'm going bullseye! Yeah.

Case Of The Whimpering Dog

A dog's whimpering nearby.

I wish behind close doors,
I wish in the next train,
I wish on a station,
I wish in a dark park,
I wish on a rugged mat,
They shouldn't bring dogs on,
The subway that rolls.

The whimper it sharpens,
Like it's started barking,
The wagon's embarking,
It jumps in my heart and,
It rolls through my ears,
Like a soldier with fear,
And a lump in his gut,
I've had this enough.

Cuts into the soul,
Like a sinus infection,
Case of the whimpering dog.

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