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Best Death Scene Ever

More info on this particular masterpiece of a movie glimpse. XD

The scene's available without the scream, too, though apparently said scream may have really been in the original film, just not in the restored version of the movie.

Take this with a grain of salt.

Peak RyanAir Prices

RyanAir Prices

At their peak err lowest point, I mean.

Price-wise. In SEK. So 54 would be (currently) a bit less than 5 USD/flight!

I do wish they'd kept the national Stockholm to LuleƄ route running! At prices like these too ideally, though as it turns out it was but a temporary run to hook new customers - the color key here very misleading.

Neither price nor route lasted long, and now competitors just about doubled their pricing instead. The only competition for this route's now Norwegian and SAS, and SAS unfortunately are no good at keeping down prices, so Norwegian has little reason to either.

It was good while it lasted, even if their planes from Stockholm to LuleƄ went so early I had to either take in at a hotel or take a taxi to catch 'em, and thus they really weren't cheaper after all. I tried a hotel once...

The flights the other way were much better. They went around noon.

Good memories... screencap thus. RyanAir's good stuff.



This just might be the most comprehensive list of titular prefixes I've ever seen!

In at least two languages no less.

I'm a little impressed.

Monkey Replacable Air Filters

Monkey Replacable Air Filters

Caught this fun little blurb on some nameless air filter-selling site recently.

The translation basically reads:
The price on the air filter is slim, and even a monkey can replace it.

In a way... they're kinda calling their potential customers monkeys, aren't they? XD It's fun to read, but I wonder how it really works for sales...

RyanAir's Overkill SEO

Overkill SEO

Look at that re-occurring keyword density. XD

Translation maybe not ideal on this one...

pCloud Speed Test

pCloud Speed Test

Theirs was a good one! Though... link? No? It's a service embedded in their account apparently, so if you happen to sign up for one...

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