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Sweet Summer

Sweet Summer

( There I was, atop of a mountain . . . you can see our summerplace by the lake, to the left, it appears as one of many other dots that in distance resemble houses - but you'll find a picture of higher resolution to study more thoroughly in the galleries later on . . . )

I'm back!

It all ended so abruptly. The leaves started turning orange, the water turned to ice, and the midnight sun stopped to rise. We flew to Stockholm for an hour by plane, and here it's suddenly summer again! Vacation was great. ^_^ Over two months without connections to the digital world and completely isolated from all international events. Hehe. Any new wars raging in the world? Any important people killed yet? I need to catch up . . . Watched the 12 newest episodes of Naruto, Bleach and One Piece today. We upgraded from our old 05,MB connection to 8MB as soon as we arrived back here, and everythings going sixteen times as fast as normal! WOOOO!!! It can't get better.

During my vacation I not only managed to paint four buildings, build a bench, a jetty, a wall for my throwing knifes, fill a few buckets with cloudberries and do various other placecarettaking things - I also filled a few hundred pages with poetic scribbles, and will be hoping to get a poetry collection published sometime this year, if time ( studies ) so allow. My studies in Japanese and Japanese History before 1686 ( samurai, ninjas, all that ) at Stockholm university start on Tuesday. Pictures from my vacation will be up in the gallery as soon as I have time ( maybe never? lmao ). I even had time for some real vacation too, hehe, swimming everyday, paddling a little, playing badminton, soccer, roasting perch by the fireplace. My buddy Björn from Stockholm came to visit for a week. We had a great time, but it's apparent he's a real city boy. :P Some typical traits being - never walking without shoes, wearing suitable clothes at all occasions and asking for radar ( bug poison ) at first sight of flies. Heh. Would have been interesting having him visit before the Mosquitoes disappeared ( most of them die before August ). He's a fishing maniac though, so we we went fishing 6/7 days. Next summer it will be my turn to visit his place, hopefully. My brother David and his kid Rasmus came to stay for a week too, and my sister for a little longer. Unfortunately their both too busy to take out a full length summer vacation.

Anyhow, I noticed there was a problem with the contact page when I checked my email and found a pile of empty emails from cyberDB - it's fixed now. I'll start building on the site as soon as I have time. I have 37,5 points to study at the university ( 30 is "full time" ). I have to start working on my drivers license, I have to transfer my "book" from regular paper into Word and I was thinking about getting a part time job to get some extra money, but I think that's out of the question now, haha. I've updated my twitter, newgrounds and zellomesh pages - take a look. Will try to regain my activity there too! Soon. Btw, for anyone who needs a new avatar, here's my new one. Feel free to use it. The photo is by Maud Axell ( my sister ). Au revoire!

Promtly Commanding

So you'de like to be a dos god? Heres what to do - in Windows - Open the command prompt (Start > Run ) and run "cmd". Then enter the following :

title 1337

Now take a look at the title bar of the box. Change the 1337 to suit your titling needs. Have fun. :P


0 Articles, 0 Tunes, 0 Games, 0 Files & 0 Pics, 39,208 Visits, 600,052 Hits.

NOTE: CyborD no longer lives, he was not ported together with his posts from the old engine. :( If you're interested in his story, you can read more about him here.


0 Articles, 0 Tunes, 0 Games, 0 Files & 0 Pics, 57,452 Visits, 280,002 Hits.

NOTE: CyborD no longer lives, he was not ported together with his posts from the old engine. :( If you're interested in his story, you can read more about him here.

The Golf Course

Exclusive pictures from the best golf course in Scandinavia (!), which we happen to live beside. Yearly membership costs more than I dream of earning and instead of playing a few games you could buy a brand new computer. So - I don't play golf here. I just walk. The scenery is beautiful. Here's a munchbite. :)

Green Grass, Blue Water

Wide Lake

Main Course



It's that time of the year again. The time when we spend our days hiding within our freezers waiting for the sun to set. Ocassionaly we run outside for 5 minutes to get a daily dose of suntan. Yes, summer. As previously announced at ZM and NG, I just graduated from school, and I'm now leaving on the longest summer vacation I've had in 12 years! It's been a busy school year, one of the busiest in a long time . . . but it's been great. :) Its amazing to finaly be through with it, though I know I'll be missing it in the future. Hard to comprehend that school is actualy over, finished, forever . . . that I won't be back there after my great vacation. And I am unsure what path to chose now, what to do with my life, but the possiblities are endless. Will be back in 3 months! See you then.

See additional info for graduation pictures! More will be up later one, possibly after summer.


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