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The satellites are following you, they swoop down to get a picture. Calls are traced. Addresses and personal information are neatly archived in fast supercomputers. There are already many sites available to find people, I wondered how it would be in the future. How about pictures of all citizens, the ability to trace millions of people by satellite in present time, viewable on Internet mapping interfaces and the function to call people directly from your computer, free. Neat, but scary. Heres a rough draft:

Peoplefinder Idea


3185 Articles , 571 Tunes , 1152 Games , 15609 Files & 1998 Pics , 39056 Visits, 189102 Hits.

NOTE: CyborD no longer lives, he was not ported together with his posts from the old engine. :( If you're interested in his story, you can read more about him here.

Hosting We Now Offer

We provide you with ...

- FTP Login
- Third level domain (
- mySQL DB
- 100MB Space
- UNLIMITED Bandwidth

99.5% uptime per month. Fast servers. No restrictions. Everything you need to run a professional website. No catches, no ads, nothing you need to do to get hosted except send me an email (use the contact form). Include name, email, site name (will be used as both login and domain). Also include some example work (images, sound, whatever). We will only host quality websites. That's all. You account will be set up within 24 hours.

We have been on the web since 2004, and we have no plans on going down. I have been on free hosts myself, all of which have disappeared. We will not. We are reliable, that's where we differ from the rest. We have 5GB space to spare, to give to our users. We don't "oversell", so 10 accounts is the most we will host. Sign up while you can! Enjoy.


Ever wanted to know what modern English words used to sound like 600 - 2000 years ago? It's called Etymology, and you can look up words right here. Have fun.

Doom Is Doomed

I am tired yet restless, and utterly unmotivated. Also slow an unneffective. Only today. Though I should be spending all possible time preparing for a presentation tomorrow and finishing another big assignment, I instead chose to dust of my GBA and play Doom. Sped through the games 3 episodes in a mere 48 minutes. I know my way through all the levels. I know all the secrets, I know which corners the monsters are lurking behind and how many hits it will take with each weapon to kill each enemy. After all the years of wad collecting and extensive playing I've grown tired of the game, Doom is doomed. I've played it enough. Now, moving on to the next part of the series! Doom 2. A game which I have played at least a few hundred times less than it's predator. And if my computer could handle it, Doom 3 as well, but not now, I have stuff to do before days the stuff has to be done. Days that are approaching by the minutes that pass writing this. Summer, is bliss.

GTA SA DoublePack

GTA SA For Real

I'm in the movie business, all of a sudden, sorta. :D

I threw together a GTA SA Music Video yesterday. It took half the day. I had a lot of extra material, so I threw together another one, it took the other half. They turned out pretty good though. Since I moved over most of the files on my computer to my external HD, making movies is a lot fast than it was before. I don't have to wait for minutes between every added clip anymore, hehe. They're in the FTPDB, and on YouTube. I'm not very active there atm, so people don't find my stuff. When I have time that will change though.

Watch them

- GTA SA - Collapsing
- GTA SA - Beautiful

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