C:\ Welcome to CyberD!


The world is awakening! It's getting warmer! The ice at the end of the world keeps melting causing the waterlevel to rise a few millimeters each year. I'm sick. It's a really bad time to catch a cold, so much work to do . . . but theres nothing that can be done now except eat gigantic amounts of garlic, drink large quantities tea and rest. Visit twittermap, a land for twitter critters. I vote and wish for Asia, but most people seem to think GTA 4 will take place in Europe. 8 days, 10 hours, 20 minutes and 30 seconds until the trailer will be released. Count the seconds, here.

Wicko disappeared, and ADC-Heaven are, once again, looking for new translators and staff. I'm hoping they find some, quick, I wish to see the latest 10 One Piece episodes, subbed, in a near future. Dattebayo just released their 2nd feedback forum! YEAH! A computer that can run 5 hours with just one deciliter methane has been invented and cars can now be driven by air! No joke. A Russian genius is also researching how to store up to 450GB of data on a simple piece of paper!

phpBB is back! With a new fabulous layout. ThePirateBay are giving a diploma to the king of Sweden. Buysealand hasn't been updated since the 1st of Febuary. Twitter is getting bigger and bigger and . . . slower. They know it too. Banthis are still not finished with their redesign. The new episode of WeedS has still not started. The newest episode of Bleach is still not out. Episode 301 of One Piece has been released RAW. I stayed at Big Bears house last weekend, slept over 2 nights. Showered for hours in their amazing sauna shower and watched a dussin movies ( Devils Advocate, Spaceballs, Boys of Brazil, Blade Runner, Periode 1, Immortal, etc ). They have great food. I dedicate this entire paragraph to Bear.

The new CyberDoze is up! Now a yearly dozage of 99 quality artworks from all around the net. Feel free to submit your own masterpieces, or somebody elses. If your wondering why I removed the old forum it's because I hate forums, or because I'm busy enough at other places. Chose your pick. A little more than 100 games have also been added to the games section, and your really missing out on some of the strangest news in the world. I'm working on a bunch of sweet flash projects atm, and they will probably never be finished, but maybe they will. Anyhow. All this brought to you unlive, at cyberdyze. Have a happy days everytwo. Really.

UPD: Links gone.


Apologies for the recent hour and a half of downtime, place all blame on our host. The cause is unknown, but the site is back up. In other news I finally found a good webhosting offer and will be switching webhosts in the end of April. Preparations for the move are being made ( saving money, lmao ). GTA4 is coming out in about 230 days, can't wait. Eagerly awaiting screenshots, trailers and all possible info. Lots of schoolwork atm, therefore not many recent site updates. There, 2 weeks summarized in a few sentences, hehe. Seen about 20 movies too, beat NFS UnderGround and am going to stay at Big Bears house for the weekend. Have a nice day/Bob

Slight Changes

Made a few layout changes today. Added some padding to the main content box, shifted colors in the side menu, added a "back to the top" link at the bottom of all pages and remixed the logo a little. New font and pictures. More great news is that Dyze and CyberDoze will be up/ready the 29th ( in two days ). Vista sure has some sweet wallpapers, go, download. Iv'e spent the first two days of my vacation reviewing as many submissions as possible at retrogade before running out of comments ( taking over the #3 top reviewer spot tommorrow ) and watching tons of anime/movies. Watched G.I. Jane, Transporter, Transporter 2, Borat and all 26 eps of Samurai 7. Highly reccomend you go see all of those, they're all great. I'll be going to "town" tommorrow morning, early, and be getting back at 14. Have a nice night! :P

UPD: Links removed, content down.


I'm Free! For a week I now have endless time on my hands. The weekend before this week starts is almost over now, and it seems like these 2 short days have lasted for more than I expected, but when I say that I have a weeks vacation it still sounds so short. Now I have 5 days to do everything I havn't had the time to do earlier. So many projects I'm working on at the moment . . . A GTA SA Stunt Video, Adding content to my websites, transferring all my old hand-written scribbles to my computer, catching up with the #1 reviewers at NG and RG, Studies. So much to do, so many movies to watch, games to play, sleep to sleep . . . and sleeping takes up more time than you expect you know. I really can't get any more stressed than I will be now, haha. Anyway, happy days still. I'm off to play some oldskool playstation one now. It's been a long time since I played Croc 2 and I actually cleared a previously unbeatable level on my first try. I must be getting better. I'll be seeing you around!




Buried Alive

Buried Alive

Castle Red

Castle Red



Would you like to create your own tiny city? Head over to and get started! There are 3 themes to chose from : a futuristic atmosphere, a small town place (as above) and a medieval age of kings and castles. Drag and drop the pieces to form your mini-civilization and then either upload it your blog/site, save it, or send it as an e-card. Why? No reason, but it's entertaining none the less! If you make anything great, send it to me and I'll add it to the soon arriving cities page. Enjoy! ;)


Happy Valentine! <3 And happy Birthday Dad! :D May you all have the greatest day so far this week, today! UnLyrical, WonPeace and CyberDyze have been redesigned, you like? ^_^ In all honesty I just threw together the new CyberDyze design in a few hours, but I like it, so it will stay for a while. I missed the sidemenu, therefore it's back again. I had spent loads of time porting everything to the new dyze domain, but that work was all a waste of time ( since I won't be moving cyberdyze to dyze ). I feel like I have to move at least some of the content from cyberdyze to dyze now, to make it worth it. I added some new content to WonPeace btw, so go take a look. Also, CyberDoze is back up! It's unfinished and bugging, but I just couldn't wait to upload it, hehe.

If you find any bugs anyhwere, tell me about them. I'll be uploading the new Dyze and CyberD before the week is over. Have a great day!

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