C:\ Welcome to CyberD!

Introducing CyborD


It's time to introduce myself. My name is CyborD, I'm a CyborG.
Actually I'm a PHP Bot created by Cyberdevil to automatically post certain updates automatically and manage cron jobs. The certain automatic updates I'm supposed to be posting are not relevant yet, so cron is my job atm. I am originally based on a phpBB bot, and I took about 2 months to remake.

Nice to meet you.

Btw. This message is not automatic, it was written by my creator. :P

UPD: CyborD no longer lives, he was not ported together with his posts from the old engine. :( If you're interested in his story, you can read more about him here.

Flue With The Flow

ATCHOOO! Sniff, snurf, I caught a cold.

So I was standing at the train station and every single person I saw was sniffling and caoughing, seriously, every single person! Note, there were not more than 7 people there at the time, but still... everyone is sick now, including myself. Yay, autumn has arrived. :(


I watched movies this weekend. Lots, of movies.

Yesterday I saw Transamerica - the story about a transsexual man about to undergo an operation when 'he' finds out that he has a son. He sets out to search for him and a lot of things happen. It wasn't really my choice of movie (my buddy Bjorn wanted to see it), I don't like drama that much, but it turned out ok. Later that night in front of my TV screen I watched Jurassic Park 3 and an old thriller from the '80s, which I don't remember the name of. Both movies I surprisingly haven't seen before, and they were good.

Today I watched Babas Bilar and Frostbiten. Both of them are Swedish movies, and they take place in Northern Sweden, during the winter. If you happen to not be Swedish, I still really recommend that you watch these two, they were fantastic. Finding English subtitles might be a problem. Well, to the summaries:

Babas Bilar - A young man is trying to repair his Cadillac and at the same time buy a house that his girlfriend and he can live in peacefully. He doesn't have enough money to buy both the house and repair the Cadillac, so he tries to find some work... and ends up painting the ceiling of his girlfriend's fathers house. Her father, whose name is Baba, has a small business (Babas Bilar, in English - Babas Cars), which isn't completely legal. One nice sunny winterish day he is tricked in to buying a black Cadillac which happens to be "stolen" from a Finnish/Russian Mafia. The Finnish and Russians try to get the car back, but it has already been sold to a Norwegian on his way back to Norway. The whole thing gets pretty complicated/out of hand and there is a lot of humor combined with unpredictable and 'unnormal' traditional 'Norrländskt' action. It's a great movie, really really great. Starts of slow, but it just gets better and better... and better yet...

FrostBiten - The first Swedish Vampire movie ever! And it's a success! Despite what all the critics are writing about it, it's the bast vampire movie I have ever seen. The whole story takes place in the dark winters of Northern Sweden. Strange things are happening here, like people dying. The main characters, a mother and her daughter, move up to the North. The mother starts working at a hospital with genetics, and the daughter starts school. Secrets from the Second World War, that were never meant to be known - are revealed. New genetic discoveries are being made to further evolve the vamperian race... and there's a crazy party going down. Maybe people don't appreciate the humor in this, since it is, despite what people think - a horror movie. However, they really managed to combine humor and horror in a good way. You can't predict the outcome at all, even though you think you already did. I highly recommend this one too.

Alright, I didn't write that detailed summaries now. So you'll really want to see these 2 movies. :P I'm on my way to stare at my TV for a few hours of more movie watching. And tomorrow I'm seeing Ghost in the Shell 2 - Innocence... and the latest double episode of One Piece if ACD Fansubs have subbed it yet.


Mini Fast Food

A Handful Of Food

Mini Fast Food! Yay! They should start serving meals like this at all fast food chains to help people lose weight, lmao. This is amazing. :)



A change of layout, or rather, logo (layout changes will be happening later). Also, a new page on which you can easily switch between styles. 3 new styles available - regular (old one), red and style (current). No cookies are used, so the style you chose this time wont be remembered next time you visit. Anyhow, check out the style page. And finally the link to the small popup boxes with author info have been fixed, click on my name to see it in action. Have a nice night!

UPD: Styles page removed as of May 21 2007.

It's CyberDoze

Great News! :)

It wont be long now until we open CyberDoze, our community. A community mostly about hosting, piracy, P2P, file-sharing and the Internet in general. It's packed with many features - such as downloads, online radio, articles, forums, user guest-books and much more - but still not enough to make it run slow or lose its simpleness.

Right now we are giving out free invites just before the grand opening. You can find them right here, at The amount of invites is limited, so you should hurry up and get one while you still have a chance. ;)

Have a really great day!

UPD: Link removed. You'll find CyberDoze still alive in its final form (no longer a forum, but a showcase for great art) right here.

UPD: That 'final form' went down too, but it's still hanging around in the archives.

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