Once Upon a time a month ago on a Monday, during Jujitsu practice, I was doing a Bruce Lee-style-flyingspinningkick... err... normal sidekick, and my right knee got dislocated! We went to the doctor the next day and I was told to stay home from school for a week. The day after that I was in the process of jumping down the stairs on my left foot to answer the phone when I tripped and sprained my left foot! So we went to the doctor, and I was told to stay home for yet another week. We went back to the doctor a week later and I was told to stay home for a week more. And then 3 weeks passed by...
SO then I returned to school after my 3 week vacation and a week passes by and nothing happens. Suddenly yesterday out of nowhere a History test, a Math test, an English Presentation, A graphic Design Project, A Swedish Essay and a Web design Test appear. They're all due TOMORROW.
This reminds me of a movie I saw once O_o.
Anyways, I ran home from school early today to finish all my assignments and study for all my tests... so hopefully Ill be able to finish everything before I'm supposed to wake up and go to school tomorrow, I estimate that everything will take me approximately 14 hours, but everything always takes more time than you expect... I really don't have time to post this, but whatever.
Goodnight in advance!