In the post-apocalyptic world of 1990s Nevada, a rock 'n' roll samurai on his way to Lost Vegas takes a young orphan boy under his protection as Death and his metalhead Horsemen chase after them.
Now this is just perfect. Just awesome. Just a vibe. Just all out there in the desert badlands, heading towards a post-apocalyptic Oz, a blade-wielding wizard king and a kid, in a world where pretty much everyone but the midget comes off at least a little crazy. And ain't that crazy?
Don't miss Death or the Happy Cannibal Family in particular.
This is why I watch B-movies still! It's a ride sometimes.
A creative and fun and fascinating one - at times a violent and dramatic one - at times a nonsensical and silly one - at times a serious and confounding one - all the way, all character and atmosphere and chemistry and style, and I love it.
Jeffrey Falcon and Justin McGuire. What a duo.
Unfortunately though this was Falcon's planned grand American debut that didn't really work - he did some HK movies before that I hope to watch later. Seems this was the last movie he did, and that is a shame. The kid though? Became a stuntman. And the guy who played Death actually did kickstart his own acting career with this.
Weird are the ways... but this one's one for my all-time favorites when it comes to off-beat B-movies. Second only to maybe Return of the Killer Tomatoes and Adventures of Johnny Tao.
Hope Falcon'll just jump right back in some day, and make the promised sequel here there never was.
rated 4.5/5: almost awesome
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