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Something In My Eye

I went to sleep the day before yesterday, only to realize I couldn't sleep. As a previous chapter in life the something-in-my-eye phenomena presented itself once again.

I don't know if I've told of it earlier, but one summer after scraping the paint of a house, a tiny flake of paint found its way into my eye (yes I do use protective glasses, this one flake evaded them completely) and at night, just when I was about to shut the lights and drift through curves in snooze-mode I realized that it was there. When I closed my eyes the pain was present, when I moved my eyes (you always do when you sleep, it's set on automatic) it was worse, so I tried watering it out and looking all over and under the lids for what could be bothering me.

It wasn't visible.

I endured for two or three days without much sleep, then finally ventured red-eyed to the hospital to get it flushed out. Flipping the eyelids wasn't a very pleasant experience, considering (these were the considerations they mentioned -->) I'm young and apparently don't have very outstretched eyelids yet... and they didn't find anything, but that irritating sensation of a foreign object on the globe I see with disappeared. I brushed the corner of my eye afterwards and picked up this tiny tiny flake of paint, like a millimeter in diameter, so it looks like they worked their magic after all; maybe the eye did the rest.

Anyway, this time I went up to flush my eye, but it didn't seem to be working. I didn't find anything. I gave up and tried going to sleep anyway and realized that if I relaxed my eyes a bit I didn't feel so much. I fell asleep, and the next day it was gone.

Wonder what happens to all foreign bodies that find their way into the eye? Do they all gather in the corner of your eye every morning? Do they somehow travel to a hidden exit behind the eye? Do they dissolve, provided they are made up of organic matter like an eyelash or a flake of dandruff?

Sometimes I wonder.

Yeah sometimes I wonder too much.


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