AKA Stable Cruise Connections On The Eastern Sea!
I'm on a cruise again!
There'll be less stretching this time, cause the WiFi actually does work this time around! And so rather than be up and about and partying I'm momentarily sitting here, typing away. Momentarily making the most of my day, in the way I perceive that time is thus best spent.
Interesting how priorities change eh? Or rather how denial and fear warps your sense of progress; the way you choose to spend your time...
Maybe not denial and fear per se. Introvertedness? Lacking social skills? Lack of energy and willpower? Lack of drive and momentum in life?
Or lack of funds? Lacking financial incentive (I do not believe the odds at those one-armed bandits are in my favor) and surplus to spend without incentive or a guarantee of gain? Probably mostly this.
There's plenty of entertainment onboard, but most of it costs, and my income's limited. So I'm here to bunk and bungee a bit on the waves more so than go all out and party, and possibly meet someone that'd cost me.
I spent this morning moving a sofa, getting treated to pizza for said sofa move (that'll keep me satiated enough to save on expensive dinners), and now here I am! On uncharted waters for the second time this month.
Well no, they are charted. They chart them pretty often. Check the charts.
I brought more snacks with me this time around, and they went through screening, so I think I'll manage this trip even cheaper than the last one...
I talk a lot of cheapness, I know. That's just where I am right now. It's a facet of (temporary!) limitations that unfortunately permeate all things and choices.
But no matter!
I've bunkered up on movies and pods, and I'm off the job, time to walk like a boss through halls with carpets like moss, and see what's cracking, till I'm nodding off, in this ungodly but also so very uncostly cot! Relaxing.
And hey it's not ungodly, what do I even mean? It's clean, a lean dream machine in a metal beast built for not even steam.
Happy cruisin'.
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