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Altered Ancient Gears II

Altered Ancient Gears II

Table Of Contents

  1. Intro
  2. The Story
  3. The Characters
  4. The Features
  5. DLC Content
  6. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
  8. Walkthrough
  9. Contact


Welcome to the wonderful world of Valgardia!

Here's an ambitious turn-based MMO JRPG I was involved in the beta-testing of during the latter half of 2020, and have since also been given the honors of my own playable character within, and an eternal place in the in-game credits! As of the start of 2021 the game is done and available for free on Windows, MAC and Linux. :)

If you want to just dive right in feel free to get the .zip right away, or read on for additional info/prior promo material.

Feel free to also reach out to the developer Sai here with questions or critique/feedback/compliments too hopefully. ;)

This game's part of a larger series, and the development is ongoing. You can read the latest news from the AAG universe here, or keep reading regarding the specifics of this one game, as written mainly by Sai, with certain revision by me. Hopefully I'll be adding some more personal insights and elaborations at a later stage.

The Story

Many years ago there existed four nations that acted as individual empires.

  • Lias known as the Immovable Army.
  • Vinnas known as the Monarch of Salvation.
  • Ruketh known as the Force of Discovery.
  • Corinth, The Bringer of Knowledge.

These kingdoms - forever at war - pillaged, destroyed, and consumed one another in a never ending cycle.

The Father in Heaven 'The Creator of All Things' sought out his people, and chose three orphan children from all four regions to receive divine powers, as his elect ones to spread his word and teach man the error of their wrongdoings, but two orphans succumbed to the sins of the world and perished, and the third wandered the world aimlessly with no hope.

Now there is a fourth on the horizon who is going through great trials and tribulations.

Will you earn salvation?

The story is about a boy named Mobius, who loses both of his parents and is sold to a slave farm far from his homeland.

While on the farm Mobius discovers that many children sent before him were tortured and killed. He devises an escape plan and rebels against the governor of the farm. During the face off, the governor discovers that Mobius has an untapped potential of spirit energy. Mobius is sold to the Elite Guard Military, where high level experiments are done on him, and his memory is wiped.

He becomes a pawn of the state, and moves up to First Class rank before he meets a Military General named Sia, who later reveals to him the secrets as to who he really is.

The Characters

Though Mobius is the main character your team will expand along the way, starring among others:

  • Mobius himself, a Soul Rouge to be reckoned with.
  • Xinra, the icy Isa Shinzu Samurai.
  • Kyria, the brazen Scripture Chanter.
  • Azariah, the vengeful Gunblade.

The Features

Explore four different world maps with towns, cities, caves, dungeons and plentiful both other places and people to discover.

You will never run out of things to do!

The numerous in-game features include:

  • Captivating story with secrets, betrayal, friendship, and teamwork!
  • Hunting - You can hunt wild animals on the world map for animal coats to sell to shops. Be careful! Some animals may respond aggressively and attract stronger monsters to help defend themselves.
  • Side Quests - More side quests have been added to all towns and cities.
  • Main Storyline Quests - A fascinating tale of fate and adventure that takes you through the immense world of Valgardia and beyond.
  • Home Building - You can purchase an off-grid home and access it through the world map! It's available towards the end of the game, is called the 'Grand Shrine', and will give you access to:
    • A training gym to increase max stats.
    • A bed to rest and recover HP/SE.
    • Mini games - unlocked once social score reaches required level!
    • Tutorials to fully master the game.
    • Movie Gallery: Learn about the history and lore behind AAG2. See the gameplay and story of the first game: 'Ancient Gears: Altered Time'. (Certain social score and military rank required to access!)
    • Secret Item Shop "Custom Crafts". (Social link must be at 50 or above!)
    • Secret Weapons "Custom Crafts". (Social link must be at 70 or above!)
  • Social Link System - Social Score is a level system you raise by interacting with citizens of Valgardia. Whether it's by completing quests or by having a conversation. In order to access special features in the game and progress the storyline, your social Link with people must be high.
  • Real Clock/Day & Night System - Transitions from morning, noon, night and day - as well as various weather conditions!
  • Custom Battle Animations/Character Transformations!
  • Chain Attack Command using special moves!
  • High Definition Menu Interface.
  • Exclusive Mini Games.
  • Camping System.
  • Four Exclusive Modes of Transportation.
  • Five Exclusive Character Classes - Samurai, Soul Rouge "Scythe", Scripture Chant, Gun Blade and Beast Tamer!
  • Customized Battle HUD with special move cutins!
  • TIME GEAR ITEM IMPLEMENTED - After clearing the transit prison, you will have access to the Time Gear, which allows you to change characters at any moment in the game!

Extra DLC!

If the main game's not enough, try your hands at these epic side-quests and boss fights:

  1. Shinzu - God of The Dead
  2. Final Fantasy 15 DLC
  3. Iron Blooded Orphans DLC

You can access all of these after you defeat the first major boss in the game, The Undead King.

After Solaris, return to Valgardia and look for the sparkling sand in the North desert to pick up the DLC pack.

It's highly advised to make sure you have at least two seperate save files if you attempt the DLC! You will be unable to exit until the enemy is defeated. Level up in the Gelgamite Mines in Vinnas to prepare. Recommended level to beat each DLC is 75+.

Akuma can be found in Mount Shinzu in Vinnas.

Noctis can be found by the World Tree in Vinnas.

Mikazuki can be found in an abandoned laboratory In Cold Steel.

These three are the strongest characters in the game and should not be taken lightly.

Take advantage of the time gear, and swap between characters for battle strategies!





1) If you could compare this game to others, which ones would they be?

Final Fantasy, Wild Arms, Star Ocean, Dark Cloud 1 & 2, Breath of Fire, Swords of Mana, .hack//G.U. (if it were turn-based), Dragon Warrior, Chrono Cross, Chrono Trigger...

If you like those games you will enjoy this one very much!

2) What engine are you running this on?

After a year of toying around with RPG Maker VX Ace I was so excited; I knew I wanted AAG2 to run on MV. The Game runs on a modified RPG MV.

3) What platforms will this be available for?

For now it's just going to be Windows and Mac. Depending on your needs and desires - if you want to see this on mobile or tablet I will consider it.

4) Will there be a part III?

Currently I don't see a part three happening anytime soon unless I have a team behind me. I will however fix the bugs in part one and release that on the RPG Maker VX engine.

Right now I'm a solo developer and Gears of Time Productions is just me and a beta tester [that'd be me ;)]. But if people offer to help out I'll have no issues making a part 3.

5) Will Gears of Time Productions develop other projects?

Again at the moment I am unsure. It depends on the feedback from the players. I wanted AAG to be an underground gaming thing that only certain people know about. So as far as another game goes I'm not sure...

[Though as you can see there is more on the way! Read the latest here.]



Strategy guide and walkthrough for those who might get lost is coming soon (in the meantime feel free to reach out so Sai with any questions you have, he's the one working on it)! For now here's a couple pointers:

It is very important that you talk to as many people as you can along your journey to progress and really experience the full story.

Before you get to Solaris it is important you make sure all side quests and social links are collected. You won't be able to return to the world as it was up till this point when you take the train to Jahad!



You can reach Sai either via email ([email protected]) or NG.

More info on my own playable character here.

Hope you enjoy the game!

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