There are two movies on TV today. Both starring Samuel Jackson, both thrillers, both from the 90's. Coincidence? Conspiracy? I don't know. What I do know is that both of them are movies that I want to see, and that they unfortunate run only one hour apart. Which means I can either :
a. ) Watch one hour of the first movie and then watch the other movie
b. ) Watch one hour of the first movie, then spend an hour constantly pending between the two movies as not to miss too much of the plot, and finally watch the end of movie 2 without disturbance.
c. ) Watch movie 1 and only movie 1
d. ) Watch movie 2 and no more than that.
Movie 1 is called Jackie Brown, Movie 2 is called the Negotiator. Since the second one starts an hour later, and I have to be up relatively early tomorrow morning, option c seems like the definite choice, even though it's unfortunate I miss one. For those of you who said "wth" after the very first sentence of this post and continued by saying or thinking "only 2 movies?", I'll have to inform you that the free bundle of channels that we in our house use consist of only 6 channels, none of them specifically movie channels, and we have no intentions of buying more, since, seriously, why? Name one reason anyone would actually need more other than to get unlimited bragging rights.
In other unrelated news I was walking by the under-construction golf course this afternoon and I saw a golf cart, with the key in it, fully functional, and noone within a kilometer radius . . . not that I could see at least. I stood by the car for maybe 5 minutes, pressed the gas pedal a little to see if it actually worked ( it did ), tried to gather courage to take a little test drive. No stealing or anything, just a little fun-riding. Unfortunately for me I didn't, and when I walked past the place three hours later it was gone. So that's that, I missed the chance, if it was one. Broke a mirror later today as well, while trying to remove the frame from around it. Now I hope I don't get 7 years of bad luck! Not that I'm superstitious, but I've never broken a mirror before, this will be interesting. Otherwise it's been a great day. Goodnight peoples!
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