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Sunshine & Lemons

I was going to fix up a glass of lemonade, but in the small pitcher of freshly squeezed lemon juice floated a little blob of white mold. I guess it's not so fresh anymore.

I sliced up a new lemon though, squeezed a part of it in a glass, poured up some water, mixed in some liquid honey, and a little C-Vitamin powder because I feel like I could use that kick today, and so here I am, sitting perched by the PC with a glass of greatness.

So, if life gives you lemons: make lemonade! And if life gives you one more day, you'd better use it. Because if you don't it might stagnate, and grow moldy, and you'll have to throw it away and use another.


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  1. S3C
    Tuesday Jun/14/2016

    When life gives you lemons make 100% juice lemonade!

  2. Cyber
    Tuesday Jun/14/2016

    You sir are a juicer!

    Btw that sounds pretty sour. :O And superhealthy. Metaphorically: use each day 100%?

  3. S3C
    Wednesday Jun/22/2016

    nah, I just use a special type of lemon

    but they dont ship to Arizona anymore WTF!

    also, real pink lemonade IS NOT a myth:

  4. Cyber
    Thursday Jun/23/2016

    Oh, I'll have to try some of those someday! :D Doesn't seem as healthy, but definitely tasty; easy to juice.

    I don't think any of the pink lemonade I've ever had has ever actually been made off of pink lemons! :D Man I thought I knew exotic fruits pretty well, but there's plenty I'd never heard of here. Would love to try some:

    ...among a ton of those other interesting hybrids! Is this a site you've shopped from before btw?

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