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System Shock Rebooting

It's being remade! There's a free demo available too, at GOG among other places. Thanks GOG for the awareness.

They're closing in on their goal fast, but if you'd like to contribute to the reboot of this old alien FPS icon - maybe adding a milestone or two, now's a good time. Looking forward to seeing how this'll turn out.


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  1. S3C
    Friday Nov/25/2016

    playing through it now thanks to LuckyLightTitan/vixuar/'s great so far but gameplay wise doesn't hold up to Doom...

  2. Cyber
    Friday Nov/25/2016

    It's... done?! Or you mean the demo? Never did try it, but the video preview looked pretty promising. Pretty happy this thing got backed! This and:

    Not to mention the official Resident Evil 1. Plenty of legendaries getting a facelift lately.

  3. S3C
    Wednesday Feb/5/2020

    I meant System Shock 2...great read btw:

    Don't read it though if you haven't played System Shock 2.

  4. Cyber
    Wednesday Feb/5/2020

    Ah yeah, agree then. I don't know if I've played it through but I've definitely played it... probably not though. Article tempts me to do so. Also can't help but realize almost if not all commentators there seem to be male...

    Shogan the AI, and the hacker the organic bootloader as Elon Musk would say... though maybe the most human AI yet. intriguing persona.

  5. S3C
    Thursday Feb/6/2020

    I should have said don't read the article until you have played it through, as it contains major spoilers...

  6. Cyber
    Thursday Feb/6/2020

    I figured. XD Still intriguing though. My urge to play this game is most defiantly greater after reading article than before it.

    Curiosity killed the cattle and all.

  7. Cyber
    Monday Feb/10/2020

    Hmmmm apparently a third one is actually in the works:

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