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Audizzity - The Experiment


The Audizzity Project is a series of fifteen experimental musical pieces composed with Audacity only, with my lyrics and music. I've been working on it for a couple of hours today and yesterday night, and it's done. Go listen but don't expect too much. ;)

Oh, Hi

Oh Hi!

Random picture not by me, it's fetched from Random.



This post goes to him, a hero of ancient times, prescriber of peace and decency. Today is his day, so Happy Birthday Ghandi! You didn't live long but you will live on. Artwork by Alex.

The Swineflu

Don't know where this picture came from, but it's lying around wasting space on my HD, so it might as well waste some space somewhere else as well. OMG, treeible consequentional happenings of the disease!

The Swineflu


Well yeah it's over, but I finally got a hold of them nice pictures from some times of the time passed! Yeah! My camera wasn't working, but I managed to take a while with my sisters while she was on vacation, and they've been with my sister ever since, but no more! Here you go, no titles, but they shouldn't be needed. It was a great three months. :)


It's me, atop the mountain, the lake in the background. Our summer-place is somewhere to the left in front of the island cluster.

Brief Clouds

Great skies. :)

Wild Water

Streaming way past 400 mbps.

Waves Go Red

Once the paint starts running out I get artistic.

Shadows Play

Light and shadow playing beautiful games in my room.


This years cake for my mother, homemade, of course. :)

Read on...

Happy Madness!

The title conveys my message perfectly, no need for further speech. :)

Happy Madness

For those unknowing, the 22nd of September is Madness Day over at NG. Madness is a brutal yet unique and suspenseful series of nonstop action featuring little grey people with seemingly no arms and crosses where their facial features should be who know no other life than fighting. If you haven't seen it already, search for it over there.

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