Inktober #26 - B-35 Bomber
Cyberdevil! Jabun on the beat!
Aye! New day! New me! Let's go...
Once more I'm on fire! I burn and ember. Come every autumn I get it together.
Pile on me layers. Grooves that I move to. Soothing or brutal for the nay-sayers.
I become YOU. I become an artisan of the craft that I do like to do and daily -
Make things that make me smile big like I've made it! Look around? Still in Hades...
The Devil ain't playing! Life is a game but it's NOT for the kids.
Keep them away from this shit when they're little or else they see death when they close their eyelids.
I had a good raising. Sun in my brain. Stored memories of the BEST vacations.
Stayed with my memories, they started aging. Now they're all pruned like dried up raisins.
But I'm still in the basin of greatness! I'm basing my worth on self-doubt!
Cause humility makes you appreciate things! And I have no words for sell-out!
I still have these wraiths that chase me! Every night every day, I cannot stay!
I cannot stagnate, or I betray, the dream that I had and still have today!
Even if it too is just memory, a wish to leave some kind of legacy
I leg up and git towards destiny! From LEGO to ego and agony
Teethy demons look sheepish in back of me, like they know they won't catch me so easily
They still keep on chasing, I keep on raging, rage at the world is my pedigree
And how can you not? How can you look out the window and not want to shoot up a block?
Where are the trees? Where are the pygmees? Why is all magic and myth out of stock?
I see just streets, I see just chimneys, I see a haze of smoke for the ravens
These beautiful birds that survived through the ages, just to succumb to our modern day mainstream
Streams of pollution. Scream of elation! We got new news, the breaking of nations!
South Sudan the newest country created - birthed of war too - only way to make 'em
Only way humans decide on the lines and who's suitable to belong to a new group
Is to nuke and shoot, just learned in a movie they used napalm way back in World War 2
I've no words for that time. When segregation was so clear it was nursery rhyme.
When racial supremecy fed the machinery and had people waiting to die in a line
Someone cast the die and decided the past was a blast and the now was not worth a dime
And decided to step back, yet with all setbacks, somehow we live in a similar time...
And it's up to us! To decide what to do with it.
We're only human. But we too have kids.
We can choose. What kind of future we want them to have to do with.
The future's not for the kids? (Wu-Tang) You're stupid.
Fuck you! Fuck you who fuck up the world you suck!
Stop making these problems we have to solve! Stop with the constructs that just obstruct!
Stop with always taking the easy way... and hoping to gain
A good life for you only. It's a problem only if we all... do the same.
It's below you! Grow! You!
Inktober #25 - A Breath Of Day
AKA Ya Don It, In A Breath, A Day In A Breath...
Three cinema movies in a day, that's cray
Chiropractor visit for my back, still strained
Took a passport photo at the station mate
And lunch at Meno Malo with a buddy - they're GREAT!
Free cappuccino off an app I'll rate
Free Venom posters: Last Dance, high praise!
And I had a chat with a lady on the train
Confidence boost today too! I'm in: my game
I'm bad at breaks though but I'm breaking bad!
These October chapters will never make a fad!
When my taste gets stale I get out my brush
When I'm pale and gray well then I start to rust
But like a V8 engine you just gon' combust
When the Com went bust I lost a lot of stuff...
I'd say if I was a magnate back in that day
I wasn't and I'm not now either, I'm SAFE
Just low on time, but on prose and rhyme
I want to up the dose, want to prose combine
With a beat I feel, before the season leaves
As the weekend wheels in I hope...
I can make someth'n dope.
Inktober #24 - Net & Yahoo
AKA A Missile For A Pen, A Missile Of A Pen, Pens Instead Of Missiles, A Missile For A Penny, Netanyaho...
Gotta get a grip on this penmanship, can't let this slip
Like my fleeting dream of seeing the beaming Eldorado
Saw the movie but that was just a friggin' fever dream
Or a nightmaaare! Just like Netanyahu.
You'd think with a name like THAT you'd be a COOL DUDE!
Used to be a fan of Yahoo and Yahoopa too
Back when they had Geocites and everything was so new
Their email's a terabyte still, but reliability's woo woo
Kind of like Netanyahu! He's still a leader but...
Well let's dissect this problem. He murders kids and robs them
Of food influx and so starving's widespread like Durex condoms
But they're so unprotected, it's like he friggin' dogs them
Just rapes the population, then smiles into the camera
Says the US protects them, and yes they've signed some handles
Still walks around in sandals, and they get tons of weapons
So they can keep on killing, and they don't mind objections
Meanwhile on this side of the planet I'm so protected
Nights are a bit chilly cause we're saving on heating costs
But I've walls that could fend off stray tomahawks or seething wasps
I'm glad we don't get missiles, I think that might be a LOT
And I've room, and I've food in the fridge, and I have Zoom
I can speak to buddies in the Bahamas and Zimbabwe too
Imports work pretty well, we get similar kinds of fruits
I mix it up some days with some Kiwi and... guava juice!
So you know on this side of the world we've GOT stuff to lose
Maybe that's why we don't really involve ourselves with the wars
The news may just report on what's saucy and thus confuse
Except for with BitChute, you rarely get to the root of a cause
But I think this one's pretty clear yeah, it's a weird one...
We all know the conflict's wrong, but we don't hear drums...
Demonstrations in the city go on, though they keep it discreet
And do Israel really care? They just move their embassy
To a secret location, keep on sleeping on nations
Keep away foreign aid till NATO has a base in the bay
And stop sending drones with the rations, they're like a drop in the ocean
And sometimes drop down on people, and cause a lot of commotion
When will we stop with the hostilities and get The Rock for a spokesman
Or Bernie Sanders, or Tulsi, or Theo Von! So many better people on ANY
Side of the pond.
Come on!!!
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