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Inktober #15.5 - Pain (2:44)

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Inktober #15 - Breath Of Life (1:38)

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Inktober #14 - Shrimp

AKA Shrimps, Shrimp On The Barbie, Shrimpy, Shrimp And Tell...

I'm sitting on the train brain spraying flame...
Be back home at eight, dinner's waiting!
I can't fit a plate without it satiating
But more so: making breath control kinda tolled... still I eat and then I go!

Eat a loaf, cause we celebrate crustaceans...
Shrimp sandwiches, with mayonnaise egg and dill
It's killer yet they be killed, the little pink pilgrims milling
On the bottom of the ocean, mingling with kin and children

Instilling in us a sense of overcoming, and BLING!
Cause all who can't eat a kingcrab can eat a kingshrimp!
The one named after the dumbo-rhyming massive that flies in sky
It's bashful' we eat these little guys but fried on the side!

They deserve more than being a siiide dish
More than mozzarella or FRIES! Considering size and mileage!
The signs of life in the oceans deteriorate and still
I'm a chomp this little guy!!! Like a pickle.

My conscience gets shamed when I say it so strange...
It's shrimp sandwich day today though so I take my aim - on intake
Don't want to change, just don some drapes and rekindle the flame for
Culinary consumption! Scrumptious like a pumpkin!

All satuated and cremated and placed in a pie as stuffing...
It's dinner time I think I'm going hunting,
For something from the sea! I see some seaweed but waaave it awaaay,
I don't plaaay with my craaay... fish!

I put in the work! And for desert...
What's your pleasure, chocolate or mint, what do you want first?
What do you want to drink? I'll be back in a blink
Just gotta pimp this shrimp.

Inktober #14 - Shrimp (1:35)

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Inktober #13 - A Sunday When All Is Said And Done...

What do you have to say, when you do this everyday!
Need more inspiration, need experiences that are great...
Get out in the world if only to kick it with Pelé!
I don't even play football but... maybe we could ball!

Get out to Africa and see the savanna!
Go explore Peru, take a tour deep in the montanas -
Explore the thousands of pyramids hiding between the trees
While Egypt's one hundred and forty get all the bees

I mean all the buzz! Go travel the world and see enough
That I can do this kind of stuff till I'm cryogenically tucked away
Earn big bucks on slicing up puff filets
Or hunt bison grass on the tough glades of Ukraine

Why just wait - I'm just saying - with living my life
You may live till a hundred without even a singular plight
Or you can go on grand adventures and maybe get killed tonight
But until then feel so alive, so alive...

( It's Sunday morning I'm imploring you to get up out of bed even if all you do is mourn your orange groove
Talking to myself! Need motivation when the rain is pouring all morning and life feels all boring, but what the hell
I'm realer than others non-realer. Just need to transform myself from a unicycle to a fourwheeler
Get a move on! Even when days are unappealing and devoid of meaning. GET new glasses, see clearer! )

But what. What do you say when you've said all that there is
To say! And don't have enough rizz for showbusiness
Like Craig Fergusson, the living ticking verbal witticism bomb
I'll Sir the John, he surely was sterling on a certain job

Meanwhile I'm bobbing in and out of shops
Looking for cheap dairy, picking up shiny rocks
Stocking up on dried oats and marinade and stock
I've certainly got a lot going for me on this block

What's poppin'? It's popcorn with butter and salt!
Pop 'em up in cast iron like I copped pots from a vault wall
And always vault outside my door for a short walk
At lunchtime, listen to a pod while my mind drifts

Find bliss in the little things - sing in the shower...
Power to the New Guinea tribes still staying violent
And killing all who disturb their peace, these wannabees
Who want adventure, but dare not venture off common streets

( It's Sunday morning I'm imploring you to get up out of bed even if all you do is mourn your orange groove
Talking to myself! Need motivation when the rain is pouring all morning and life feels all boring, but what the hell
I'm realer than others non-realer. Just need to transform myself from a unicycle to a fourwheeler
Get a move on! Even when days are unappealing and devoid of meaning. GET new glasses, see clearer! )

And feel greater! Slow down a bit. Phone a buddy.
The TV's full of shows but they... show nothing!
The city's full of pavement, people, and rubbish.
WHAT more is there still to see here? I'm struggling...

To find a mind I might hone and not mind my home, always!
Nothing is set in stone, except our history
If I'm not out digging tombs, I won't indulge on what's set
I will get out and get over myself and ask: What's NEXT?

I realize it's night right now and the day is over but... tomorrow!

(It's Sunday, and ALL! Is said, and done...)

Inktober #13 - A Sunday When All Is Said And Done... (2:51)

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