Ehh... what should I write about today? What should I say? While the sun shines away? I feel like writing, so I will, if that's ok. Just don't know what I should write, or why I should relay. Anything really when I'm idle like hay, when I could do things and become an idol if I may. I'm just tired of this delay. Just tired of having to wait. For someone to open the gates. So I can ride out and away. Into the sunset before the whole world just decays and turns gray.
Do you know how I feel? Like a grocery meal, obliged but not in shape. I'm too tired to make, time of my mistakes. Should I maybe take a break and record this if it's great, it sounds pretty swift I say, so I shouldn't just drift and forsake just a great rhyme any day. It's a great day to spend anyway. I spent the day friendily. It's coming to an end I see. Sun devising new ways to sink on the rising horizon. And then it's May. In just a few days. Next weekend buddy bears blows the candles on his cake. I'll be there and gain weight. Eat great.
Like there's no tomorrow, always time that I can borrow, time it goes, it goes and comes. I have little, but some have none, and some have more than they can spend. I could spent time until time ends. I could spend time a time again. I could spend more than I can... hence. Time is high it's like a fence, it stretches up so far I sense, maybe I can dig through it have another one waiting, on the other side. Spend time timing time trying to decide. What to do with my time, it's might time, right time. Time to fight prime. Time to glide like a kite, I'm. Sick.
Sick of having to wait. For someone to open the gates. So I can ride out and away. Into the sunset before the whole world just decays and turns gray.