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2,000,000 Words...

...have been posted on this blog up to this date!!!

Ain't that a bit crazy.

It didn't even take the full decade this time. ;) And I apparently sped up a bit since the halfway point too - less than five years since then.

Woo! Here's to the next few hundred, thousand, and then some...

10,000 Posts

10,000 Posts!

...missed it by a couple! I'd planned to post this as the 10,000th post.

Oh well. We're there. We're journeying onwards. We're still keeping a remarkably consistent pace of ca 500 posts per year too - though the majority of those may come late this year.

We're up at 427,000 words on pages now, and 319,000 words in comments too! And 1,988,000 in blogs - 'bout to be two million before this year is over.

Do with those statistics what you will. Maybe some day down the line I will better analyze and differentiate between the particular lapses of time with which said numbers shift and increase, and come to some sort of conclusion over the grand scheme of all things...

Until that day let us just say Hey! The post count's friggin' 10,000.

And that is cool. Hopefully they shall yet accrue and accumulate.

Here's the last milestone.

Cyberdevil's Back not great man. (props @S3C)

Woke up again today in pain, though I was at the chiropractor just yesterday, and thought surely all issues were going away.

I start to wonder again if it just is my back after all. Maybe it's my gut. The pain goes to the ride side of my rib cage as I lie in bed, not wanting to get up quite yet. But when I do get up it clearly is back pain after all. The pain retreats back to the source. I hobble around, and sit down by the computer again, lean back, and know it'll subside again soon now that I'm sitting.

Sort of. Almost. At least become bearable. At the minimum. Usually it does go away during the day; usually pretty quickly in the morning no less.

I've been to a chiropractor three times at this point. This year.

Started dealing with these back issues before summer, but we drove up North anyway. I didn't sleep great. It felt better if I could remain on my back throughout the night, and I think sometimes I did, and sometimes I turned in my sleep, and felt all the worse for it in the morning.

In August I was back in Stockholm for a few days, and booked myself a last-minute chiropractor time with one of my sister's connects. They found a slight misalignment somewhere in the upper middle of my back, and at that essential vertebrae that connects the neck, and set those straight.

I also lean a liiittle towards one side, so I probably have a little imbalance in my hips/pelvis/something, which no doubt impacts everything else. Sometimes when I'm tense enough there definitely seems to be more resistance in one leg than the other one when I'm walking. Right leg cramps up easier. If I stand still my shoulders and feet don't align. The feet naturally turn a bit to the right, or the shoulders to the left.

The first chiropractor visit went great, anyway. He set things straight, and for at least a few weeks after I was pain-free... but it came back. It started getting worse even. Come September I started looking around for another chiropractor. Not because I didn't think the first one did good, but because the first one's services aren't covered by healthcare subsidization, and so if I started going there continually I'd have to pay everything out of pocket.

Subsidized treatment however, for rehab, is much cheaper. You pay a reduced amount per visit (275 SEK), and if you happen to need multiple treatments there's a ceiling you can hit per year (1400 SEK) after which you won't need to pay more at all. I don't know if I'll hit that ceiling or no, but I found me a new chiropractor with such pricing, I've been there twice now, and so far... results are uncertain.

I felt great after the first visit, but I didn't dare actually not lie on my back when I slept regardless, so I'm not sure I slept better thanks to the treatment per se or thanks to just not turning as much in my sleep after it. Maybe it relieved other tensions enough that I didn't need to. My neck mobility improved. It was definitely easier to stand up straighter. My hip rotation seemed better too. I had sporadic pains during the day afterwards, but more like trigger points, like discs were settling, like something good was happening, I hoped.

And so a few days later I went in for a second round. All adjustments seemed less severe this time. Nothing cracked as much. A couple didn't crack at all. I got myself a simple exercise I'm doing five times a day during work, and it feels great too. Simple stretch. Raise your arms above your head as if your arms were wings, both from the side, and connect them above your head. 20 times x 5 reps, and mobility ought keep improving.

Yet I woke up this morning with those same pains that have been tormenting me all summer, and they don't leave easy today...

Back to acupuncture mats tonight I think. Back to a little foamrollin' before I go to bed too. Back to long walks that definitely do have a positive impact on things like this. And I've been a little wary with lifting weights, but it seems that does me good too. Any form of exercise that doesn't have you actually jumping around or activating your spine too much, seems useful.

Not that I haven't been trying to keep up with such things throughout these chiropractor visits too, but I didn't last night. Overconfidence and comfort is your enemy. Stay on track; keep improving yourself, even when your back is whack. Do hit the mats.

I've had issues in the past too btw. I've been to a chiropractor at least a couple of times before. An osteopath too - which was great. I believe he would've cured all, long-term, but was so much more expensive. I can't afford that now. Cheaper, subventionized curation it shall have to be.

Speaking of which: I'm back. Albeit catching up slowly, due to ongoing Inktober, and concurrent lack of sleep.

Also have you ever heard of Chindogu? Here's a list of rocks. @Father-of-Death made this cool thing for me recently, I'm doing Inktober on 100 Words too this month (though it's a simple and sub-par variant of the real thing), I finally revised all old movie reviews this summer/autumn, and Bridge of Terabithia really is a haunting read. Was reminded of it recently, not sure why now.

Stay crackin' y'all.


One More Tuesday Recap & Jamble

Some site-related updates since last y'all: I've updated the PHP version on CDB! Finally. From 7.4 to the latest and greatest.

I had some script-related issues with the upgrade, as I knew I would have, but sorted 'em out quicker than I thought I would. I tried an update years ago and that time things did not work so well, but something must've changed since then. Plugin authors must've done some work on making their plugins compatible, otherwise the scenario's the same...

There was one particularly weird issue with corrupted dates in the library, which I by the way ought probably integrate with the main site someday. All those posts could be in categories and subcategories here instead, and I'd need one less copy of WP to keep safe and up-to-date.

Anyway two post dates were just missing, and causing errors, of which the source was difficult to trace. Finally I figured it out, sorted posts by date to find anomalies, found two of them, updated the dates and all was good! Not sure what changes were made between PHP versions to make this an issue only after the upgrade, I wouldn't have found out without.

And why did those dates corrupt in the first place? Did two posts just never have dates - how would that happen? You can't post a post without.

I had to remove some outdated plugins and functions as well, though nothing you'll notice. Updated a few theme files too...

It's possible additional errors from less commonly used scripts that still rely on deprecated functionality will find their way into the error logs at a later time, but if I haven't had any errors yet they can't be that big an issue. It seems I'm pretty capable of fixing 'em myself if such things do occur, which is cool. Didn't figure I'd be one this proficient in this kind of thing.

Confidence boost +0.4 countermeasures.

On the main site the upgrade was simpler. I had just one function that needed adjusting, and suddenly previously incompatible plugins and dependencies all work again! All updates went well. Security's hopefully tip top again, and as a bonus the site should load faster - performance seems to increase with every new version of PHP too, though I'm not sure I'm actually noticing any difference on the site in that regard...

It's possible the newer versions of WP have been getting a bit more bloated too, and so other long overdue updates cancel out the potential benefits of all the more optimized PHP performance.

It's been a long time since I updated the core at this point. Would've been interesting to compare hardware use before/after.

I'm working on a better cache though, whenever time comes to implement that you should notice a more notable difference.

Right now I basically have no cache. I fear the wrong things get cached. Admin type stuff. But the more I learn the easier it gets to get a grasp on what's what and what's not there.

Aside from PHP I do still have some ongoing jQuery issues. I know the culprit, a stat-related script I use and will need to replace eventually.

For now I simply changed plugins for jQuery migration help in WP, hid the automatic notices on incompatibilities in both front and back-end, and until a future time at which I delve into other plugin alternatives, and remodel the current stats page, this is how it'll have to be...

Maybe I can edit the jQuery code in the plugin itself. It's possible it works just as well with a newer version. Time will tell. Clocks and all.

Otherwise, life-wise? I'm not wise yet but...

I was lifting weights in my room the other day, when suddenly I saw blue lights in the distance. Fetched a pair on binoculars and got to witness some kind of accident first-hand from my window! They had closed down the road a few kilometers off, with five police cars, two firetrucks and at least one ambulance on the scene.

There was a big rig parked on one side of the road, and maintenance vehicles on the other, and a long line of traffic waiting to be let through... and a bunch of people in reflective vests doing a lot of talking.

Nothing happened. They stood there. They talked. The blue lights flashed, the traffic stood still, leaves rustled in the wind... and that was all.

My impatience grew, I resumed computer dues, and forgot to check back and follow the process - next time I looked they were all gone.

We took a walk past the site that night and saw nothing at all. Not a trace. Not a wreck. No broken glass or twisted metal or blood stains on the field or anything. Wonder what that was all about...

Occasionally you do see an emergency vehicle or two speed by in a blue haze from our house - from the upper floor the view around us is pretty much unobstructed, with green fields and lower-level housing around us, but this was definitely the biggest thing I've witnessed thus far.

And it's still a mystery as to what it was! Gosh.

Hey have you ever heard of cow magnets? Courtesy of Tom Scott's newsletter.

This last meal video with Steve-O was surprisingly wholesome too, and enlightening. Worth a watch. Like the Leonardo Da Vinci thing, and happiness, and life and all... dude.

Last week we had some rain and glum weather early on, but the sun is fierce now. Spring in full. Summer soon. This my fuel. I go boom.

I'll be finally/hopefully/very probably taking this year's first flight up to the farm next Tuesday, so maybe no recap then... maybe after.

That's all for this Tuesday y'all. Have a ball.


CyberD Now First On Google For CyberD!

It's almost like a palindrome innit?

CyberD is suddenly showing up first on Google when you search for CyberD! Give it a try. :)

Well at least it was. It seems it's currently showing up #2... but that's still quite the jump since last I searched for it, and it seems other pages on-site have gotten a well due boost too.

My unintentional strife to contribute quality content here must be paying off, since I've been making absolutely zero effort at actually improving my SEO otherwise... which I maybe should. Some day. It could be good.

I do however currently reside on shared servers with a fair use policy that may pose a problem if all too much traffic suddenly starts streaming in. And this isn't the only site I host.

Alas there's a pretty big conflict of interest in how I most certainly do want more visitors, but also don't want to start paying more for hosting, or riddling the site with ads and such if increasing costs become a thing. I'm happy having this but a passion project, but then again if a little extra traffic would also mean a little extra income...

I mean I wouldn't mind making a living off of this. On just blogging, ransacking my mind for thoughts people may find interesting, or ideals and ideas I'd hope the world pick up on, sharing random things on the Internet that catch my eye, money just streaming in en masse as I do...

And I do have skills in the SEO department. I've optimized other sites. Surely I could do the same with my own pretty easily. The site resides on a soon twenty-year old domain and is just bursting with content. Well over ten thousand posts and pages. There's plenty of potential.

You see how easy it is to get carried away though?! I shan't sell my soul. I say a Sea shanty to the demons of the deep sea scantily - may they let me be, let me keep on penning ponderings and mending dreams. And who knows, maybe one day I'll blow up, like one big blas(t)phemy.

For now at least the site shows up when you search it, even without the .ext. ;)

And that is neat indeed.

The Reoccurring Tuesday Recap & Jamble

These are starting to become a tradition allofa sudden huh?

I had a good friend over this weekend, so no Sunday recap this time either. Played frisbee golf all Saturday, and it went surprisingly well despite the sprain! It also rained and rained, but that killed no game, now of course the sun is shining and the house is slowly turning into a sauna, post his visit here... but it was a good play, and time and stay! Namaste!

And Happy Walpurgis y'all! That's tonight.

Been rummaging through more screenshots: There's a bundle more of those on the blog. I'm pretty much all caught up on those now...

And have you heard of Danny Carey? I didn't know him by name until just now, but suddenly he's one of my favourite drummers out there. He plays in Tool. A band you'd best know if you act no fool.

The video that link links to is a treat, and so is every other one that's starting to pop up on my feed now. Beware the algo. But the dude's on beat!

And show's such a joy in his craft. It's contagious.

Here's something about 1971 too. Relationship dynamics really have changed, but the cause may be an unexpected one. It makes sense...

Jungle Keepers? If you want to save the world and have some surplus.

I've more posts to rummage through, and trips are coming soon, so speak more in a few! For now it's time to do things, for Tuesday is all dues. Call it Duesday with a deuce, and be ruthless not obtuse, excuse me I shall move as to be be dutifully truant and not too prudent with my shoes.

Made a blog? I guess I am like Truman but informed. Consuming too much YouTube to be huger than the norm. Consumption's bane and shackle, so rattle and reform, like a snake out of those slivers may you slither and be born. Anew.

Shed some skin for two. Two's day. Huge yay. Woo.

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