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I'm ashamed I lost track of the comment count whenever I lost it, and these ceremonial comment numeral commemorating posts were lost to the times! They're back now though. They're here. Have no fear. We may be way past 2020 now (just like the numerals of this year), but post amounts won't die down, nor Congratulations be scarce. Go on show these all to your peers! Tell them to come over here! And celebrate with us and stuff, with a choire of coronary cheers!

Cause this is something. If there was a beat it'd be bumpin'.

Happy 999.


Seven ate nine? Up next...

It's tradition y'know! Just gotta post this.


Yupp yupp! We got it! Lucky never seven(s)! Way overdue.

Here's to the next 111...


I have no idea when we got it but we got it. :) Should've been more attentive! This really was... one hell of a day.

Or event to celebrate. Or something that way.

CDB Stats 2013 -> 2019

CDB Stats 2013 -> 2019

Fetched from the Wayback. Click above for a bigger more visible version.

Taking a little look at how some numbers have evolved over the years... apparently the stats page first appeared back in the early 2010's, but it didn't have a lot of info in the beginning.

There are definitely other ways to dig through the archives and find these numbers, but for some reason I was looking at these stats through the Wayback, so here you go. Also just passed 1,500,000 words. That's somethin'.

Also notice how the numbers have commas now? That was actually not easy to add in - going to post about the process behind that soon.

1,500,000 Words...

...have been posted on this blog up to this date!!

When you stop to think about this that's pretty insane ain't it? We hit a million roughly five years ago, just a bit more than a decade since the blog started. Seems it's going at a pretty steady pace after all! Some years more some less; we all digest. Fewer blogs, but equal words and value.

Here's to the next five years and five hundred K! All crammed with meaning and inspirational masseuse.

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