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Week 18 - The Seagull Week

I wonder how many PMs I respond to each week. Around a hundred? Two hundred? Should count them some time... if I do it'll probably turn out one of the least active weeks... but why not start with this one. That I shall do. Jot down all batches of messages I respond to on the fly, in a text-file, and with next weeks post I shall provide some numbers! Actually scratch that, I just need to check the dates! Let's see, last week was... 180 sent PMs. Not bad. Give or take a few received ones. I realized recently, on the infrastructure of said site on which I send and research such vast amounts of messages, that only received messages count towards the storage limit. For sent messages there is no limit! Hurrah! If they impose one retrospectively I wonder what'd happen to all the old ones... and I wonder how many PMs the top dogs on the site get... and I wonder if this is actually of interest to anyone other than myself...

This past week I've posted about a seagull, 6 movie reviews (though I just got around to posting the latter 3) and a uick note on how CyberD is officially - sometime around this time - turning ten years old! Maybe I should make up an official anniversary date so there's a day to celebrate? Maybe later. And btw, the Q key on my keyboard is malfunctioning, let me just... pluck the key out and... holy shit I think I need to clean my keyboard... OK, tidying up aaaand... all groovy. It's amazing what a little removing keys and scraping out old grease can do - it feels like new, though I think I managed to twist one of the holders a bit so it's a little wobbly, but aaaanyway:

I wrote a chime (a collective of combined poetry and rap in audial form) a couple of days ago, just the one day, but it's the first musical thing I've posted in quite a while. You can find that here. On that note I also just removed a plugin I've been using to play audio on this site for a long time! WP Audio Player, once upon a time one of the most useful snippets of code I stumbled across, has now outlived it's purpose. With the newest version of WP support for audio and video embeds is included, so I'm using those. If you see some non-working audio shortcodes or players, that's the reason (would be awesome if you'd let me know if you stumble upon such non-working links, I'm running queries in batch to sort these things out rather than go through the shortcodes one by one, so it's possible I'll miss some of the ones that don't follow the same structure). I also made my first userscript but that didn't turn out so well, the functionality I based it one was changed a few hours after I'd completed the script - created profiles on two userscript communities, posted and tweaked it. What a bummer. The idea did further evolve into this though, a pretty elaborate lightbox userscript for viewing images you might not usually be able to view (by B1KMusic)! Check that out.

(I wrote part of ^ and this on Sunday -->) We were supposed to have guests over today but they never came, they're coming on Tuesday instead, which is good because I had a chapter deadline and as always I started a bit later than I should have. Actually I started yesterday, way earlier than I usually do, but I keep getting distracted; keep doing other things. And now I'm writing this and... well wait a sec, I'll keep writing soon as I finish this assignment...

...and now two days have gone by! And we are having guests today instead, if they can make it. :/ Been a hellishly effective start of the week, but that's all for the next post. The seagull still hasn't shown up, so I'll leave the second post as the end to the mystery it still is. I did get a couple of additional answers from the voluntary organization I contacted though, stating that vets are required to at least kill animals free of charge (animals that are 'owned by the state' that is - IOW wild animals). If the animals are your own, it's a different matter entirely, but as for taking care of them... that's something we as a country are wholly bad at. You'd think a country with so much wilderness would have a better hand with animals right? Anyway, I'm late with this post but catching up; doing stuff! It's been an eventful seven day session. Last week is here. This week was good.

Week 17 - Shitty Seagulls

I just posted something about Star Day, I wrote a quote, a quick note on how to change canvas limitations on Fireworks and about a bee. Overall a surprisingly varied array of topics in this short segment of time - but no movie reviews. But I have watched movies.

It's been another sunny week, regular work just one day, and the 26th was both Star and Pico Day over at NG. I spent the 22nd working together a quick contribution for the grand Pico Collab of 2014, and most of Saturday working up last minute pixel graphics (borrowed a sprite from that for the collab) for the Pico Day Beatdown game that was supposed to be released that same day... but due to unforeseen circumstances has been pushed into a distant future. I managed to fix my part on time, but the programming bit still remains and the programmers up for the job run into issues one after the other. I set up a live stream recording of the final NG Office live stream ever (they're selling the office soon) the same day, and managed to snap up around six hours before tired eyes forced me away from the screen. Damn timezones. But it was a great day! Happy Pico Day!!

Happy Pico Day 2014

I started with late nights this week, playing my way onwards through Dead Island, but then, all of a sudden... my save file corrupted! When I was up at past 80% progress!! GODDAMMIT! I started on a new character, but that kinda took away a little interest in that game... picked up Resident Evil Revelations instead, and so far it's been groovy; each cutscene like a movie, the old setting back and brewing combined with action: crawling, moving... through the walls. I love RE; don't we all? The corruption issue with Dead Island btw was apparantely due to me hoarding too many items, maybe too many of a certain item. It's a well-known bug, but for a game like this it's fatal. It's a game where you want to collect a lot of stuff. It's a post-apocalyptic zombie world so that kinda goes without saying, and if it doesn't go without saying, maybe they should impose some limits rather than letting excessive (also very time-consuming) habits crash the game. Just saying. Real bummer.

But back to speak of the week: day's have been sunny; cool, I spent Monday with a buddy, and that's... what else? Studies, work, work... work? Time flies! Also: a shitty seagull shit on my arm one day, when I was sitting peacefully on a bench by the quay studying. A real big blotch of seagull shit just suddenly splattered down from the skies, splashed on my arm; stained my shirt. Since then I've started seeking new locations to sit, places preferably at a safe distant from these disrespectful wide-winged critters.

Here's last week.

Week 16 - Sun Sun Sun!

This week's been awesome. I woke up one morning with thick mist outside the window, and frost on the ground, and yet later that day it was boiling. That was yesterday btw. The sky's been clear all week. Sun, sun, sun; apparently more to come! :)

I took a quick road trip with a buddy on Monday and found a secluded beach not too far off - which I'm hoping/planning on making a frequent visit. My employer was sick one day, and on Thursday we had half the day off (Easter) so there's been plenty of free time. Plenty of free time is relative though. There's been time to... stay up late playing Dead Island. Yepp. That's the newest addiction. The sunny summery resort within that zombified post-apocalyptic presence of a game reminds me I should get out a bit, into the land of tan, along the sands so grand, maybe even clad in sandal... nah I use sneakers as a speaker. But in conclusion: it's been a good week. And the latter half of it's also been dedicated a great deal towards Easter celebration, a couple of long walks, huntin' eggs, eating the type of stuff you usually eat and then type up stuff. It's been a feast, and I've just got one assignment left so I'ma be like a beast and write till I sleep.

For this place I wrote 10 movie reviews, and this and this. Nothing much; I be still catching up and other stuff. And here's last week.

Week 15 - Rain Rain Rain

It's been raining all week. Monday, Tuesday, just a little on Wednesday, Thursday... a little on Friday... a surprise rainfall on Saturday. I don't think it rained at all on Sunday... though. The week started with a pretty intense bike ride to work - under open skies - with a change of clothes thankfully packed in the bloated mass of my backpack as not even my raincoat managed to shelter from the waterfall. As I returned home I found a couple of soggy papers in an outer pocket I hope weren't anything important - the contents no longer readable.

I missed my deadline last week dammit!! Didn't get the third chapter in my potentially promising novel done until Wednesday, spent an afternoon entirely playing Oni, watched a bunch of movies (Cocaine Cowboys was the latest - I'll post some more reviews soon) and spent some seconds and seconds and infinite minutes catching up with stuff like design work and community correspondence. The strife for increased efficiency is an eternal project! But it's been a good week.

That Heartbleed bug has taken over all the news space this week, and I'm happy to say: CyberD was never affected. Not that any of you have any accounts here to worry about anyway. Looks like most of the giants were affected, even though most of them claim no passwords leaked. Since I've been hacked quite a few times earlier I thankfully at least gained a tidbit of wisdom and no longer use the same password on any two sites, but if this means I need to start changing my passwords on all of those sites it seems things may be getting hectic and hard to remember.

Thought about turning on two-step verification on all the sites I care about (that support it) but apparently service and data fees may apply... could this mean I'd actually be taxed for incoming messages? Somehow I've always imagined the senders pay for this kind of stuff, but it just dawned on me that the reason companies are able to offer this service may be because their service is offered at the expense of the users. So... I wonder how that works.

Anyway, I watched a bunch of movies this week; posted 6 reviews, and then this and this and this and this and also this. And here's last week.

Week 14 - Summer Stuttering

I wrote 15 movie reviews this week, woo, and there's a few more on route. Also posted a quick something for the new month. It's a joke. Yeah. That's all. No wait there's also my drive.

I've been at work with... work! Pretty much. Also finally got my brand new Icy Box HDD station, it'll let me mirror the contents of one drive to another at the click of a button, but more importantly it'll allow me to finally connect those two 4TB drives I ordered last week. It turns out my current docking station couldn't handle more than 3TB. Did I mention that earlier? Well that's the big newspost, I leveled up on NG (kinda deserves a mention since it takes over three months of daily deposits to reach each level above 40), I watched a bunch of movies aaand I've been writing a bit. Probably did some other stuff as well but nothing's really fresh in mind right now.

Oh, I played through Oni on Saturday, from start to finish, all in a single afternoon. I'd played through the training level the day before; installed the game on my new (it's not new any longer, but I used to have Oni on my office computer earlier) gaming rig and installed the Anniversary Edition Mod ontop of it - a framework for modding - packed with enhancements. The modding community for Oni isn't insanely active or large, but it is dedicated, and there is a large assortment of awesome re-textures, bug fixes and various improvements in function and finesse... along with plenty of new features, new levels etc.

The game crashed three times on level 7 - TCTF HQ , blam, but after some mod enabling and disabling (I never did figure out which one was to blame) I ran through it successfully, pretty much cleared out all foes in every level, taking care to kill enemies rather than just push them over the edge or make sure they'd take the fall for me. :P I died once on lv5, once on Rooftops (thrown off), once on the lab complex (shot at point-blank range with the rocket launcher), once on the TCTF HQ (thrown off by Barabas), twice in the Dream Lab (first by the two ninjas, second time by 'my' boss) aaand once on the final level (thrown off, just before the final climb). But I did finish the boss fight in less than two minutes, with no casualties apart from of course Muro... and his two girls. A good run! The one time I didn't bother recording. :)

Playing games really is more fun when the camera aint rolling... but maybe that's just me, some of these celebrities seem to get a kick out of it. I just want everything to be perfect, and when that's the intention, it never is. I did find out that BSR Screen Recorder - the program I've been using for any types of screen capture on my regular/office computer - works like crap on my gaming rig. Fraps, however (which works like crap on this computer) had the smoothest recording results I'd ever seen! Wheras BSR captures lag in the video, the Fraps video capture is perfect; instead the game lags... but just a bit, it's barely noticeable. I'll probably start recording again soon, especially since my upload speed just rose tenfold with the recent ADSL > VDSL upgrade. No more waiting days and nights for YT videos to upload!

Anyway, weatherwise it's been a great week, sunshine and semi-summer most days. This week it looks like it's be an endless torment of rain instead. Here's last week.

Week 13 - Cold Though Summer Brews

Another week passed by fast. I want to write a rhyme get me back on my track(s). Seven eight nines and the count is a lapse. My mount is my casket my crown is my cast. My cast's too small - need a few new workers, so I can go berzerk with all that I want to serve yer cranium, insane idioms - a rain of refrains and a map pack for all those games that I've slain. But no pain no gain and my main pain's timeless, less time more pain, lest I find bliss. A state of mind where I leave all behind and forget about all time and if you look straight into my iris - you'll see that I eye bliss even with wide eyes under my lids. I go the full mileage. Yeah.

So the week started with a cold still brewing. Fortunately I only had one day of 'work' until I'd reached the monthly quota; no need to call in sick (I'm paid hourly so I wouldn't get paid if I stayed home), and the rest of the week's been a breeze... though busy all the same. I've reformed the comment system a bit on this site, added avatars and some nifty CSS styles, and somehow managed to hide the comment form from all posts without existing comments, but... I'll get that fixed. Soon. So you can all start writing again. Both of you. :P

I've paid my time with studies, a walk with a buddy, plenty of NG, 9 posted reviews (of movies I watched last week and the one before that... mostly) and this and this and this and this and that's it. Also finally got around to posting those favorite music videos of 2013. Last week's right there.

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