Week 41 - Open Windows
I already posted about the window change. I even wrote a song about it... which I haven't posted. But, for those of you who somehow missed the post below this post (unless you are reading this as a separate post, in an unforeseeable future where these posts are no longer so easily interlinked, in which case such an occurrence is easy to understand)... we changed our windows.
For the most part of this week, the double bed in the guest room was leaned against the wall, all plants piled up on the dining room table, bedroom sofas and tables placed upon the beds, my carpet rolled around the bed, everything covered in dust, tools strewn around along with boxes full of material, garbage bags and fragments of old paint and wool fiber. Such is not the case any longer! The house is being thoroughly vacuumed for the first time in years, curtains are being put back up, along with their holders, paintings, carpets, furniture and other material possessions that have been temporarily strewn around desks and tables. It's been an interesting set of days. It's also been made clear we have too much junk... or that the house is too small.
I woke up before seven each day, and though I was incredibly tired for a while, I imagined I had eventually set myself into this routine... until Saturday. Ugh. I woke up after eight (like the candy) and was stumbling around the house with burning eyes all day, until I stumbled back into bed and fell asleep by ten... and woke up after eight again. Lost sleep amounting to long weekend rest? Whatever it is, it's the right time for it. It's Sunday! Woo, yeah. The one day when tasks can be accomplished without any overlying pressure.
I'm competing in a couple of photo competitions, looking around for free stuff, wondering how I'm going to get rid of a couple of bags full of VHS tapes (nobody wants VHS anymore, not even second-hand stores) and working on a preloader for a Halloween Collab. When that's done, I can start working on my entry for the collab! It's going to be fun... but I'm kinda leaning towards just letting that project rest a while until I make my way through Adventure Story. Heed warning if you click that link though, noble visitor, it is addicting!
As far as music ventures are concerned, I've been writing a bit, but not recording anythingo. Not this week. Next one, maybe. I watched a couple of movies and will post a couple of reviews. Hmm, there's not much more to tell so I'll bid thee farewell... for now, and here's last week. Have a good remaining weekend!