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Week 18 - Summer Sun Has Come

The past week passed by as normal, with work and studies and walks and buddies.

I spent Saturday at buddy Bear's place with a bunch of people, celebrating his move to a new apartment and his newly celebrated Birthday. I gave a plant and a candle holder in salt stone, and a little temperature-controlled water-powered LED light for a tap. It was revealed that the good people in Hong Kong probably don't use the same tap size as in Sweden, ARGH, because it didn't fit. But it did work when you held it under running water, so hopefully it'll be fixable one way or another. We went bowling in the middle of the night (won 2 outta 3... aint bad), ate a taco buffet and chips and dip for breakfast the next day.

I took a long walk on a quest for deserted golf balls in thorny brush and the first bicycle ride of the year with my cousin on Monday and Wednesday, both graceful days with plenty of sunrays to pave your face. The weather's been mostly blissful, and existence drifts in whiffs of... sniffable pitfulls (what rhymes).

I Watched Speed (1994) on Sunday night while placing bids on a few computers, and guess what, I got one. It's not just any computer either, it's going to be a beast! With an AMD FX-8120 processor, 8 cores @ 3,10 Ghz (8MB cache), 8/32GB RAM and a Radeon HD 5850 GPU with a whooping 1GB memory... it looks like I'll finally get to play GTA 4. Something in the back of my mind is telling me that maybe the GTA games only work on Intel processors, but that can't be, can it? If it can then can it, I'm hyped. I can't wait! I am waiting, but damn, it's a grand weight. The computer also has Windows 7 Ultimate installed, which means I should be able to emulate some old OSes this time around, making it possible to run both new and old games without swapping machines.

My current computer, which I proudly announced at the verge of the new year 2010 here, has 2 cores @ 2,50 Ghz (1MB cache), 3/8GB RAM and a nameless GPU which has been making it difficult to run all games I'd like to run. It does run Oni, and Doom, and Knytt, and 8Bit Killer and Need For Speed Underground... but it doesn't run GTA SA properly, and it doesn't run GTA 4 at all, and I haven't even tried any of other new games I've bought these past couply of years, because... why bother. Might be a time issue too. It's not like I'll suddenly have time to play all the greatest games of the past couple of years to my hearts content, but maybe just one or two... or ten or a hundred. Man I'm in a good mood today, but today is this week and this post is about the last. I'll just conclude with: it's been a blast. And here's 16/17, the first dual post of the year. See you next week; maybe earlier!

Week 16 & 17 - Civilization Void

We flew up to Kangos during week 16, Tuesday. I stayed up late on Monday plowing through assignments I'd need to hand in in advance. Usually I find myself pushing them papers ahead of me until it's suddenly Sunday and I stay up all night fixing them (at least that's been the routine lately) but this time I was forced to differ. Start of good habits, maybe. The flight didn't take long, we met up with a couple of friends, hitched a ride to Grandma's place, and there spent the remaining week.

The snow was still thick on the ground up North. Half the week it rained, and the other half the sun reigned. I sat on the upper balcony and soaked it in occasionally, surprised that it can be so warm even though the landscapes remind of winter. Apart from greedily soaking in sunshine, I shoveled snow, kept the furnace burning and read three books. I know I jotted down the titles somewhere, but all the info you'll get for now is: they were good.

Vacation was good too, the little that was left to savor after extreme bouts of physical labor, probably better than it would've been if it would've been constant and not a limited luxury. It's like eating a meal after a long walk: it always tastes better! On Tuesday last week we flew back to Bro. I spent the rest of the week catching up on studies/work/NG/anime, playing Doom, recording gameplay footage from Doom, thinking I should post my weekly post and now I am, far in on week 18, making it seem like the vacation was like a dream, longer than it was, just like Oz with the moss falling off. Last week.

Week 15 - Fast Week

So this week went fast. I've been finishing up assignments for a week in advance today (and a few days passed), since I'll be spending the rest of the week in the Northern Norths of Sweden, in the wild, away from civilization, unburdened by the waits of technology. It's like a quick appetizer before the summer; I'm hoping for lots of sunshine to soak in amidst rifts and drifts of snow and green. Be back in a bit. Here's last week.

Week 14 - Moving Pizza Stuff

This week passed fast. I'm a bit late posting the post, but I only just realized that I hadn't posted anything last weekend so.. yeah, without further ado: the happenings of the week past. My account was suspended a while due to heavy resource usage that has hopefully now been resolved. I've been sunning, walking, writing and studying and stuff. Last Wednesday I helped a buddy move to a new apartment. Great work out. On Friday I ate a pizza buffet. Effects from work out effectively nulled; taste for pizza with noble cheese permanently increased. Sunny days. I saw a bird fly. Time flew camoflauged. That's all. Here's last week. Oh, I also tried my second limited edition Magnum of the season. The first was the second edition, so my second was the first, and that's the limit of my ice cream adventures last week. Later.

Week 13 – Easter Feast Sir

I came back from an Easter party this weekend to a post-it note on the door. A buddy walked by... surprise! The days have been sunny and walkative, interactions funny and talkative, the weekend filled with social gaming, offnet, painted eggs and a room search that livening up the living room. Also a couple of assignment deadlines on Monday, Wednesday and Sunday. And today was game day.

I tried the first ice cream of the year, a limited edition Magnum. The third stick in the series is coming out in May. Pacman Doom received an award! I didn't finish the Happy Easter sketch I'd hoped to post this weekend, but I'm almost halfway. Maybe tomorrow. Food's been good, day's been long. Ces Cru released their new album, Andrew Huang released his new album and Walk Off The Earth just received their new album (huh?) copies. I bought Wrack, a hopeful Doom clone that I haven't had time to play yet and I'm getting a tan. That's all. And this is not a joke since I already did that a couple of years ago. NG doesn't seem to have time for a proper April Fool's pun either, but at least Google's still got it (see below). Here's last week.

Smelling Is Believing

Week 12 - The Watery Week

So our water vanished, but you already know about that. It turns out the water froze in some pipes somewhere and there was a big leak. They fixed it provisionally, but it broke again, and they fixed it again. Tomorrow they'll start fixing the leak for real, and analyzing the water to see if it's drinkable or toxic. It has been smelling a bit odd and at times not looking as transparent as it usually does, so it probably isn't. They've been advising people through Internet and Radio to boil all water before drinking, and that we have. Our neighbor hadn't tuned in to either informational source before we told him, so I guess we'll know if the water was drinkable or not once he gets better (j/k, he's OK). What else? I fetched some inspiration from Doom & Pacman and made this. Also studies.

Is it just me or do I have less time to write stuff lately? Here's last week.

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